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June 12th, 2024

Spaghetti on the Wall Episode 160 with Mark Lewis

  1. Spaghetti on the Wall Episode 160 with Mark Lewis Spaghettionthewall 42:58

Today on “Spaghetti on the Wall”, Armando is talking with Mark Lewis, a business consultant and author. Mark discusses his philosophy of “Give a Damn”, which encourages empathy, kindness, and respect in personal and professional interactions. He believes that adopting this mindset can lead to a happier, healthier, and more successful life. He also shares his unique interview technique for hiring employees that fit into a company’s culture, emphasizing the importance of face-to-face communication. He also discusses the importance of teaching children about morals and respect from a young age.

After getting an MBA from Tulane University, Mark worked at IBM for 13 years before forming Communiqué (1994) that became the South’s fastest growing ISP. After Communiqué, Mark merged multiple businesses and became the Chamber’s Rising Tide Small Business of the Year. In 2002, As President of the Louisiana Technology Council

(LTC) he helped Louisiana rise from 49th to 32nd out of 50 states in technology employment.

Mark currently coaches executives and moderates CEO Round tables for the State of Louisiana (10+ years). Mark published the book, “GIVE A DAMN! – The Ticket to Cultural Change.” As a bestselling author, his book discusses how a GIVE A DAMN attitude can culturally make a huge positive difference in all lives. Currently Mark is the CEO and co-founder of Evolve Media, a patented start up AI video development company that allows users to create a single video from multiple videos automatically, and it’s all done in minutes. As a Board member of EO of Louisiana Mark was awarded the “Marshall Klein Louisiana Entrepreneur of the Year” in 2019.

Armando Leduc Owner of Leduc Entertainment, Podcaster

I am a veteran of the motion picture industry, with over 20 years as an actor, writer, producer and director. I have appeared on screen in dozens of major Hollywood productions including Prison Break, MacGyver, Green Lantern, The Purge and many others. I have taken my experience in this industry and am bringing that knowledge to the world of social media marketing and content creation where video is king. I work with businesses across the country to help expand their reach through social media. Our podcast takes time to speak with those business owners about their "spaghetti on the wall" moment; the time when they threw their ideas at the wall and what stuck.

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