1. Values-Driven Service Insights and Stories with Alan Williams Harry Spaight 37:04

On this podcast episode “Values Driven Service: Insights and Stories with Alan Williams” on Sales Made Easy, there is an emphasis on aligning organizational values with daily behaviors to create a positive and meaningful work experience for employees. Alan Williams encourages businesses to root their customer experience in organizational values for authenticity and success, demonstrating how practicing small behaviors aligned with these values can significantly impact them. The episode underscores that by prioritizing values-driven service and treating each other with humanity and respect, businesses can create a service-centered culture that benefits both employees and customers.

For more with Alan, he can be found here:

Alan’s Profile





Harry Spaight Founder of Selling With Dignity

Harry Spaight is a leading keynote speaker, author, and sales consultant who has achieved remarkable success in sales. With over 20 years of experience in hypercompetitive sales environments, Harry has sold and led teams to tens of millions in sales. Coupled with his experience as a former missionary, Harry has a unique perspective on how to sell without being pushy.

Harry works with individuals and businesses who want to step up their sales, so they can thrive.
He is the author of “Selling with Dignity” and is the host of the “Sales Made Easy” podcast.