95.7 The Game Home Of The Warriors
Saturday Morning 7:30 AM
For Thanksgiving week, it is time to give tips and tricks for parents when it comes to those hard parenting moments. We all know the Holiday Season can cause Anxiety for some children so what parent doesn’t want simple one liners to go to instead of saying something you regret. Tune in and hear from one of my mentors on what she taught me and I use daily with all children.
For Janina,
I will always cherish the time spent and I wish we had more time.! Thank you for all you have taught me!
Love, Me
With almost two decades of experience and a Masters in Clinical Psychology under her belt, Vanessa is no stranger to families whose children have special needs. Vanessa started her own company KAHLON FAMILY SERVICES in 2008. KFS provides behavior consultations, social skills groups, support professionals in schools, and parenting groups for families with children with Learning and Behavioral challenges and needs. In her various capacities, as she directed and supervised various in-home Behavioral programs all around California, as well as facilitating Social Skills Groups, she succeeded in developing her own Yoga Curriculum (YEAS YOGA) to help address children’s needs as well as aid professionals in the field. YEAS YOGA (Yoga Education for Autism Spectrum)is an exciting, personalized program that Vanessa created to address Self-Regulation needs of High-Spirited children.
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