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March 21st, 2025 Mature Content

Marketing Strategies “Why Your Discounts Aren’t Working” on Mike and Blaine

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Mike Milan & Blaine BertschMarketing Strategies “Why Your Discounts Aren’t Working” on Mike and Blaine
  1. Marketing Strategies “Why Your Discounts Aren’t Working” on Mike and Blaine Mike Milan & Blaine Bertsch 57:11

Nothing confuses (or annoys) customers more than a discount that’s hard to understand. “Buy one, get 37% off the second item—unless it's Tuesday?” Yeah, no thanks. This week, Mike and Blaine break down how clear, simple messaging can make discounts more effective, increase conversions, and keep customers happy. From the psychology behind price drops to why too many conditions kill a sale, they’ll share the do’s and don’ts of running promotions that actually work. Tune in and learn how to offer discounts without discounting your brand.

Don't miss the latest insights and entertaining discussions on entrepreneurship, small business, and random BS. Subscribe, follow, and like Mike and Blaine's “Business, Beer, and BS” and catch every episode! 

Featured Beer: @blueowlbrewing @8bitBrewingCompany

Mike: Blue Owl Brewing – What About Bob’s Amber Ale

Blaine: 8 Bit Brewing – Download Complete IPA

Thanks to our Beer Sponsors: 

• Rachel Barnett from Gentle Frog: 

• Karen Hairston from 3S Smart Consulting:

• Neighbor Pat

• Devin

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Blaine is a co-host on Business, Beer & BS with Mike & Blaine. He's also Co-Founder and CEO at Dryrun, a business cash flow forecasting and modeling software company, and author of "Chronic Cash Flow". Blaine's co-host, Mike Milan, also known as "Cash Flow Mike", is a serial entrepreneur, author and finance coach for business owners and CPAs.


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