Happy Souls & Happy Kids with Jonathan Bernstein and Katische Haberfield
- Happy Souls & Happy Kids with Jonathan Bernstein and Katische Haberfield Richard Wilmore 48:03
Today: Happy Souls & Happy Kids with Jonathan Bernstein and Katische Haberfield
Jonathan Bernstein is a dad, an entrepreneur, and the author of not one, but two amazing children’s books, “Two Goats” and “Election Day.” He’s passionate about making a positive impact on the world through visual storytelling. And let me tell you, his books are just beautiful. They’re the kind of books that kids will want to read over and over again.
Ever wish you could peek into your past lives? Maybe revisit a moment of pure joy from another time, another place, even another dimension? Well, Katische Haberfield says she can help you do just that! She works with Archangels – yes, you heard that right, Archangels – to help people unlock their true potential for happiness. Through her incredible sessions, she guides people on journeys through their past lives, pinpointing those moments of intense joy that can offer incredible insights into what truly makes us happy.
Both interviews are brought to you by PodMatch #podmatch