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February 25th, 2025

My yoga practice at 61

I started my Yoga practice at age 13, hoping it would help me—wait for it—GAIN weight. I was made fun of at school for having “stick legs.”

Ironically, I later turned to yoga to—wait for it—LOSE weight, after battling bulimia that caused me to gain weight rapidly.

Thankfully, as my yoga journey evolved, I began to understand that the real power of yoga lies in its mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits.

At 55, I embarked on a yoga teacher training adventure. Within a year, I completed 500 hours of training and earned my RYT500 certification.

These days, at 61, my workouts are back at the gym—the same place where my fitness journey began as an instructor at 21. It feels like I’ve come full circle. Now, I work out for my physical well-being and strength, with the psychological benefits being a bonus.

But my yoga practice? That’s my grounding, nurturing, and therapeutic flow. The strength and flexibility that come with it are simply by-products.

It’s taken me a lifetime to reach this place of harmony with my body and soul.

My two cents? It’s never too early to start taking care of yourself, but it’s also never too late!

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Empecé a practicar yoga con 13 años, con la esperanza de que me ayudara—espera, que viene lo bueno—A GANARpeso. En el colegio se metían conmigo por tener “patas de alambre”.

Irónicamente, más tarde recurrí al yoga para—espera otra vez—PERDER peso, después de haber luchado contra la bulimia, que me hizo ganar peso de manera rápida.

Por suerte, a medida que mi camino en el yoga evolucionaba, empecé a darme cuenta de que el verdadero poder del yoga reside en sus beneficios mentales, emocionales y espirituales.

A los 55 años, me lancé a la aventura de formarme como profesora de yoga. En un año, completé 500 horas de formación y obtuve mi certificación RYT500.

Hoy en día, a los 61, he vuelto a entrenar en el gimnasio, el mismo lugar donde comencé mi recorrido en el mundo del fitness como monitora a los 21 años. Siento que he cerrado el círculo. Ahora entreno por mi bienestar físico y mi fuerza, y los beneficios psicológicos son un añadido.

¿Y mi práctica de yoga? Esa es mi vía de conexión, cuidado y terapia. La fuerza y la flexibilidad que vienen con ella son simplemente efectos secundarios.

Me ha llevado toda una vida llegar a este punto de armonía con mi cuerpo y mi alma.

¿Mi consejo? Nunca es demasiado pronto para empezar a cuidarse, ¡pero tampoco es nunca demasiado tarde!

Lorraine C. Ladish Digital Content Creator

Lorraine C. Ladish, a Spanish-American residing in Sarasota, Florida, is a prominent figure in women's empowerment. As the publisher of, she leads a bilingual online community celebrating life at 50+. With a diverse background, Lorraine has authored books on various topics and transitioned to online content creation in 2009. In 2014 she became a digital influencer, recognized by major publications like Oprah Daily. At 60, Lorraine continues to set goals, challenging age stereotypes. Her writing has been featured in renowned publications, emphasizing her commitment to combating ageism and inspiring positivity across generations.


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