At 61 I am the youngest I will ever be
Every now and then, I’m surprised to notice my posture isn’t quite what it used to be, or that the skin on my arms and legs is sagging, or that my hair seems to be thinning. The list feels endless at times.
But then I look at pictures of myself from just five years ago and marvel at how youthful I appeared. It reminds me that I am, right now, the youngest I will ever be. Five or ten years from now, I’ll look back on today—perhaps even on this video—and marvel at how youthful I was.
So, I focus on what I can control. I take care of myself by exercising, eating reasonably well, getting enough Sleep, and embracing life with a sense of humor. I can’t stop the passage of time, but I do have control over how I respond to it.
I find inspiration in older women who radiate grace and confidence, embracing their Aging selves with dignity and joy. If they can do it, why can’t I?
My body may be aging, but my soul remains ageless.
How are you dealing with aging?
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