A podcast dedicated to questions and commentary about life’s transitions and handling issues dealing with aging, as well as being a caregiver for an aging parent or grandparent. Sponsored by LivWell Seniors Senior Living Solutions.
What should you have written down for your family and friends to conveniently find it if needed? Bank information? Internet passwords? Mortgage info? Today we talk about how to handle this situation...
Dealing with real estate issues can be difficult at any time, but it’s particularly challenging when dealing with seniors who may be leaving a home they’ve been in for several decades. Today we...
Gwen Tombergs, of Fresh Start Living Quad-Cities, talks to us about how to simplify and minimize around the home going into spring cleaning season. We talk about helping seniors to take inventory and...
How do you address the issues you may be having in regard to caring for a parent or loved one? How do you have those difficult conversations? We talk about that and more in this latest episode of...
In the latest episode of Living Well, sponsored by LivWell Senior Living Solutions, we talk about taxes. What do you do if you’re a caregiver for an older adult? What are your options from a tax...
Taking care of your spouse or elderly parents can create additional stressors in your life and personal health and well-being. Especially now, during the holiday season, stress is at a high, and it...
It’s always a touchy subject, bringing up the topics about parents growing older, needing more help, and what to do regarding that. In today’s episode of Living Well, Rhonda Halterman, owner and...
When moving parents from a life-time home to a senior living community you can be sure of three things (1) they will have A LOT of “stuff” that they either do not need or cannot take with them,...
People often underestimate the cost of caregiving. Whether it be the cost of caregiving for a parent living in their own home, in your home, or in a senior living community, the cost becomes a...
While we all age, the aging process is relative to numerous life variables that impact each of us at different rates. Regardless of where your aging parents are on the aging spectrum, there is a...
It can be difficult for an aging person to admit, accept, or fully understand the loss of one’s own physical mobility, cognitive abilities, and independence in general. As a caregiving child of...
Wills, wishes, and legal can often be difficult topics for people to consider let alone discuss with family. As a child of an elder parent, it is important that appropriate legal documents have been...
Are you part of today’s “sandwich generation” that must take on a parenting role to your parents as well as your own children? If so, how much of the “parent” role are you ready, able,...