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Energy Clearing for Life Podcast #909 "Clearing Energy Vampires from Your Space"

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Claire EnergiaEnergy Clearing for Life Podcast #909 "Clearing Energy Vampires from Your Space"
  1. Energy Clearing for Life Podcast #909 "Clearing Energy Vampires from Your Space" Claire Energia 12:29

Energy Clearing for Life: Navigating Energy Vampires

Hello and welcome!

This is Erica Glassing, and I’m really excited that you’re here with me today. I am on fire with my life and my projects and with this body of work that I call Energy Clearing for Life.

Today we’re going to work on a really interesting topic in my life, and this is navigating and clearing oneself of energy vampires.

Understanding Energy Vampires

An energy vampire is someone that, when you’re done meeting with them, you feel less than. You run into them, and then you feel worse, or you feel depleted, or you feel like you need a shower.

An energy vampire is someone who has narcissistic tendencies, meaning it’s always about them. For those experiencing recurring scenarios where you’ve had boss after boss who’s a narcissist, or a spouse who’s a narcissist, or children or grandparents who are goblins and vampiric of your energy, we often look back and see that one or both of your parents had these tendencies.

Your Sovereign Space

In your sovereign space, this is a space that’s right around your body, you could have a life where no one could really take from you without your permission. Energy is a give-and-take type of situation where someone fulfills you and you fulfill them. That is possible. I’m sharing with you—it’s possible.

It can be quite painful when we end a scenario where someone’s overpowering us. It might mean technically you could get fired from a job if you’re working with someone who’s really hurting your psyche every day, and then it ends. It can end with them ending it or you ending it, but it’s going to come to an end when you heal because you will no longer be in that cycle of vampires eating you all the time.

A Personal Insight

I just have one funny story to share about this because my dad was such an interesting character. He was really creative, very odd and funny. He could write like a badass.

I remember he was telling me about a vampire and saying, “A vampire will suck your blood. Even if they promise not to, they will suck your blood because that’s who they are.” I don’t remember why he was telling me that. He was always sharing weird insights with me. So I go back to that, and it’s really true.

Finding Solutions

So what’s the solution? How do we resolve this “being around energy vampires” scenario? The tripe thing is, “Improve your self-worth.” It sounds so easy, right? That could take like, I don’t know, a century or three lifetimes or something.

Let’s work on a healing of this place where energy vampires take your chi from you. The first thing to acknowledge is taking back your chi—your energy, your aura, your spark, your divine spark. Only you have this. Only you have this you. You are one of a kind. I’m just going to share that with you.

Guided Meditation Exercise

Just sit straight up with your feet firmly on the ground and have your knees about a foot apart. Relax. Let go. And just give yourself the next six or seven minutes just for you. You can close your eyes.

And now really connect up to celestial. Go ahead and connect all the way up to the distant stars and distant galaxies. See if you can pull energy from other galaxies and other stars to your being. Sense it all around your being.

If you’re okay with it, invite angels to help. Go ahead and invite angels all around you.

If there’s one particular entity that has been vampiring you or always leaving you feeling less than, imagine you’re on a stage and you are also the director of this stage. So you’re kind of in the back seat being the director in the audience, but you’re also on the stage simultaneously. And you’re the star of the show. You’re the central character.

I invite this individual—just choose one for the purpose of today’s meditation. Let’s invite one individual up onto the stage with you. And say, “I honor the place within you where the universe lies. I honor the place within you where the universe lies.”

And now I’d like you to picture a huge meat cleaving knife. It’s like when you chop sandwiches with a big knife. I want you to see yourself chop the cords between you and this person. Just chop the cords and then let them go off to their own, and then banish them from your stage. They’re gone.

Feel the energy around you become different and cleaner. Release. Let go.

Connecting with Your Higher Self

And now I’d like to invite your higher self. Go ahead and bring your higher self into the picture. This is going to sound strange—I’d like to have you ask yourself: What are some learnings I can have from allowing myself to be vampired? What are some things that I can learn? What are some teachings I can take from being a doormat?

I’m not saying you’re a doormat. But if you’ve struggled with people sucking on your energy and pulling on your energy and leaving you less than, if this is something you’ve struggled with, then ask your higher self for a key learning from it:

  • I’m learning how to strengthen my defenses.
  • I’m learning how to own my voice.
  • I’m learning how to stand in my power.

What are some things that we can learn from being stomped on? As someone who has been stomped on in her life, I understand.

Thank you so much for listening.

#energyhealing #energyvampires #spiritualgrowth #selfcare #meditation #energyclearing #narcissism #spiritualjourney #selfimprovement #boundaries #personalgrowth #mindfulness #healing #wellness #spiritualawakening #selflove #energywork #chakrahealing #positivenergy #manifestation

Erica Glessing Author, Podcast Producer

Erica Glessing believes when you tell your story, you change the world. Erica interviews entrepreneurs and lightworkers on her podcast "The Erica Glessing Show" and shares transformative meditations on her "Energy Clearing for Life" podcast. She's published 225+ authors and 75+ #1 bestselling books. She lives with about 18 horses on a ranch in California, and she has three grown beautiful children plus two very spoiled kitties, Sapphire and Jaguar.


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