Thursday - September 26th, 2024
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Unlocking Transformative Leadership: Embracing Servant Leadership and Empowering Your Team

Unlock the secrets to becoming a transformative leader as we explore the essence of servant leadership with Ernie and myself, Steve Ramona. Learn how leading with empathy and purpose can revolutionize your approach to both personal and professional Relationships. We’ll provide you with actionable insights into being a source of empowerment for your team, fostering a work environment where collaboration thrives and trust is paramount. Through our discussion, you’ll discover the critical role of active listening and stewardship, and how these habits can help you avoid the pitfalls of ineffective leadership.

Dive into the nuances of nurturing growth within your team and balancing personal and professional commitments. True leadership requires patience, empathy, and a commitment to others’ development—even when it means guiding them through struggles. We’ll share real-life examples from our own business partnership that illustrate the importance of open communication and vulnerability. By integrating personal connections with professional skills, you’ll better understand how to influence your team’s success and strengthen your leadership capabilities.

Join us as we highlight the mission behind "The Leader’s Edge" radio show, blending leadership and Personal Development through inspiring guest stories. With heartfelt mentions of family influences and mentors like John Maxwell, we emphasize the significance of gratitude and personal growth in leadership. Stay tuned for the exciting news about our upcoming part two, and enjoy a light-hearted segment where we share our dream dinner guests. Your feedback is invaluable to us, and we can’t wait to continue this journey together.
(00:02) Servant Leadership Habits and Characteristics
(13:58) Leadership, Growth, and Communication
(20:05) The Leader’s Edge Radio Show Expansion
(29:14) Engaging With Our Audience

Ernelita also known as Ernie, is an Independent Certified Coach, Facilitator, Trainer, and
Speaker with the Maxwell Leadership Certified Team. She has been thriving in the Healthcare
Industry for over 10 years while fulfilling her purpose of motivating, teaching, and empowering
young leaders to see their full potential.
Personal Growth is where her passion is as she has gone through the journey herself.
Ernie was a "shy introvert” and turned into a "confident introvert".
From the woman who used to stutter when speaking in front of others to the woman who now
facilitates masterminds, and workshops, and speaks in front of an audience.
 A woman who used to have a victim mentality now has a can-do attitude. A woman who had
always been too hard on herself, characterized as a perfectionist, overachiever, and with high
expectations. To the gentle, self-loving, action-taker, and learn-as-she-goes attitude.
She is an enthusiast when it comes to confidence and had worked on becoming a ‘Confidence’
mentor for her community and the people around her.  
She is dedicating her life's work to creating a safe environment while educating, empowering,
and spreading knowledge about Personal Development.
Ernie thrives to add value to people by showing them that continuous growth is possible if you
are willing to put in the work for it.
Steve brings a rich and varied background that adds depth to his Leadership
expertise—including 25 years of leadership in non-profit organizations transitioning to
over 23 years leadership expertise in the corporate environment.

Steve is a native-born Texan and has lived in Ft. Worth since 1980. Steve holds a Double
Major degree from Baptist Bible College in Music Performing Arts and in Biblical
Theology. He earned his EXMBA from Colorado Tech University and hails 2 business
certifications in Executive Management and Business Administration.
Steve is an influential and seasoned facilitator on such subjects as Leadership
Development, Personal Growth, and Individual and Group Coaching. He motivates,
inspires, and adds value to leaders that will in turn multiply value to others. He is a
catalyst for the transformation of other leaders to change and influence the world
around them.
On behalf of John Maxwell, Steve brings his World Class team building and leadership
strategies to Corporations, Businesses, Churches, non-profit organizations as well as
personal and group coaching.
Through all these activities, Steve maintains a lifeline to his audience, clients, and
associates with the goal to reach their fullest potential and thrive-both in leadership
growth and life.



#transformativeleadership , #servantleadership , #empathy , #purpose , #personaldevelopment , #professionalrelationships , #collaboration ,

Steve Ramona Doing Business with a Servant's Heart

Steve Ramona discovered his calling at a young age and is now on a mission to share his secret sauce for success. He thrives on forging meaningful connections, sharing referrals, and watching people flourish.

His contagious passion for the Law of Increase makes his podcast "Doing Business with a Servant's Heart" so successful. This show is chock-full of inspiring stories about overcoming challenges and serving others.

Steve has a knack for spreading good vibes and elevating those around him. He learned from his dad that the entrepreneurial spirit is a great way to make money. I can share stories of how people serve, struggle and win. We all must overcome something, so why not learn to serve and overcome it much faster? I learned early working in our Health Club the importance of customer service. I learned that the more I served it was a win-win for everyone. I enjoy working with people, referring people, and helping people grow. The Law of Increase is my mission when I network around the world.

I love to mentor business people and offer all the resources I have. To win, you must grow yourself first; then, you can share this with others! I am an avid reader and have built a large book directory on sharing with others.


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