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Revolutionizing Retirement: Michael’s Four-Minute Plan to Simplify Financial Goals

Welcome to "Doing Business with a Servant’s Heart," where we explore the intersection of purpose and success. In today’s episode, we are thrilled to have Michael, the author of the groundbreaking book "The Four-Minute Retirement Plan," join us. Michael draws inspiration from Roger Bannister’s historic four-minute mile to break down the complex process of Retirement planning into manageable steps. We discuss how understanding your financial "why" before crunching numbers is crucial and how Michael categorizes the Retirement journey into four laps: saving, investing, lifestyle, and legacy. This method simplifies the Retirement planning process, making it more achievable for everyone.

Listen in as we explore the vital role of financial advisors in navigating emotional and financial goals. Advisors act as both psychologists and financial experts, tailoring plans to each client’s unique background and aspirations. We touch on common challenges like FOMO and past financial traumas and emphasize the importance of having personalized benchmarks for success rather than just aiming to match market indices. Using Roger Bannister’s four-minute mile as an analogy, we highlight the need for structured, realistic financial goals and regular check-ins to ensure clients remain comfortable and confident in their financial journey.

In our final segment, we shift focus to the power of narratives in framing financial goals. Michael and I discuss how thinking about life in terms of stories rather than numbers can uncover core values and create compelling visions for the future. We explore how integrating stories with statistics enhances engagement and retention, making financial planning more motivational. Additionally, we discuss the importance of building Retirement equity, regardless of income, and extend our heartfelt thanks to our listeners for their continued support. Tune in for more inspiring conversations on "Doing Business with a Servant’s Heart.
(00:02) Doing Business With a Servant’s Heart
(07:12) Navigating Financial Goals With a Advisor
(16:59) Crafting Your Narrative and Financial Goals
(24:00) Building Retirement Savings Through Equity

Michael Cannivet is the founder, President and Chief Investment Officer of Silverlight Asset Management, LLC. He is also a Forbes contributor and author of The Four Minute Retirement Plan: Preserve Your Past, Secure Your Future, Live For Today



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Steve Ramona Doing Business with a Servant's Heart

Steve Ramona discovered his calling at a young age and is now on a mission to share his secret sauce for success. He thrives on forging meaningful connections, sharing referrals, and watching people flourish.

His contagious passion for the Law of Increase makes his podcast "Doing Business with a Servant's Heart" so successful. This show is chock-full of inspiring stories about overcoming challenges and serving others.

Steve has a knack for spreading good vibes and elevating those around him. He learned from his dad that the entrepreneurial spirit is a great way to make money. I can share stories of how people serve, struggle and win. We all must overcome something, so why not learn to serve and overcome it much faster? I learned early working in our Health Club the importance of customer service. I learned that the more I served it was a win-win for everyone. I enjoy working with people, referring people, and helping people grow. The Law of Increase is my mission when I network around the world.

I love to mentor business people and offer all the resources I have. To win, you must grow yourself first; then, you can share this with others! I am an avid reader and have built a large book directory on sharing with others.

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