About Phillip Bogolub:
Phillip Bogolub is the originator of, The Mindfully Immersive Communication System of “AJANOI”(Ahjha-noy). As a one-man powerhouse with an engineering degree and an MBA, Phillip has developed a unique mindful imaging technique that empowers individuals to find answers within themselves. Ideal for companies invested in their people’s well-being, Phillip incorporates music, sound, singing, and colored spectrums of light into his unique training, providing a holistic approach to corporate wellness. Delivering mindfully immersive employee engagement to create the change-maker leaders and millions of employees worldwide are looking for.
Topics for today’s show:
- AJANOI as a way of life, not just a job
- Balancing personal and professional responsibilities
- The role of conscious and subconscious minds
- Choosing your way of life over your job
- Integrating AJANOI into one’s full-time occupation
Key Takeaways:
- AJANOI is not merely a job, but a way of life that should be integrated into every aspect of one’s daily routine.
- While Phillip’s professional responsibilities, such as writing a book and hosting a podcast, have been increasing, he views this as a positive development to spread awareness and transform lives.
- The constant battle between the conscious and subconscious minds, using the analogy of magnetic poles, underlines the importance of reprogramming the conscious mind to align with the AJANOI way of life, rather than being controlled by external factors or impulses.
- The freedom and control that comes with making a conscious choice about one’s way of life is a positive step toward the AJANOI way of life, rather than being defined by a traditional job.
- Phillip believes that by dedicating himself to this practice, he can continue to grow, learn, and transform, ultimately preparing himself for the next phase of their spiritual journey.
“Your mind never goes to Sleep. That’s how you dream. Your mind never stops talking. The conscious mind doesn’t… You need the conscious mind to move forward. You need the conscious mind to constantly be active”
-Phillip Bogolub
Find more from Conscious Communication and host Phillip Bogolub:
Hello, my name is Phillip Bogolub. I have created a podcast show called, "Conscious Communication". The show was created from several experiences in my life but one central experience. I was an engineer traveling around the world supporting a medical device for over 25 years. During my travels I learned more about myself then I realized. Within this context I have pivoted in becoming and creating a philosophy called, "AJANOI" and out of that philosophy my "Conscious Communication" Podcast Show was born! I know you are asking, how do you say the word, "AJANOI" and what the heck does it mean? On that note, check out my podcast show, and I believe you will find the answers you seek. Empowering others empowers ourselves, that is what life is all about!