Daughter works from home. She is grateful for that because she is the primary caregiver for her mom who lives with her. Since home from the hospital after a hip fracture, mom with weakness and needs help with all task. Daughter very concerned that she may jeopardize her ability to remain a remote worker due to mom constantly calling her.
Today's question will address that scenario.
A caller left a message on the call-in line, explaining that mom is very upset, she does not want to go to inpatient rehab.
Question: Daughter asking for recommendations of options that may help her.
Listen in, as I discuss some options.
Consuela Marshall,
Occupational Therapist,
Caregiver Coach
Certified Aging in Place Specialist
Certified Fall Prevention Specialist
If you have a question, visit our website, leave your Caregiving question. Get tips to help make your days easier and safer.
If you are a caregiver and need help devising a customized caregiving plan that will help make your caregiving role easier, Finding A Foothold can help, schedule a free consult.
Reach out for help and support.
Visit FindingAFoothold.com to see how.
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Disclaimer: The podcast and blog are intended to provide basic information so that you can become a more informed caregiver. The information presented is intended for educational and informational purposes only and is not meant to serve as medical advice or replace consultation with any health care providers you regularly engage with. Transmission or receipt of any of this information is not intended to, and does not, create a therapist-patient relationship. This information is not provided in the course of a therapist-patient relationship and is not intended to constitute medical advice or to substitute for obtaining medical advice from a physician or therapist licensed in the state where your family may reside. We encourage everyone to consult with your physician or therapist to see if they are appropriate and safe for you.