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January 20th, 2025

The Youtopia Project 1202025 #295 #personality #education #podmatch

  1. The Youtopia Project 1202025 #295 #personality #Education #podmatch, Karen Hale 41:06

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About Eric Gee
I was a bad student” is my common answer when asked about my early school years. I could be a teacher’s best friend or worst enemy, alternating between charismatic participant and equally charismatic dissident depending on my passion for the assignment. As my brother once perfectly encapsulated: “If Eric doesn’t like doing something and it takes longer than fifteen minutes, he’s not going to do it.”Let’s face it, school is designed for certain types of people. For everyone else, it’s an exhaustive marathon of tedium, awkwardness, and social castigation. We’re often told that it’s a phase that we’ll grow out of, but why should we grow out of something we are, just to be something we’re not? It hurts to be misunderstood, but it hurts even more to be gaslit into believing your value differences are an illusion, and if you’d only conform to someone else’s standards of happiness you’d, in fact, be happy too.That is why I’ve devoted the last two decades of my life to helping people forge a path to success that works for them.

If you are looking for a Personal Coach contact Karen at
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Karen Hale Purpose Seeker

After spending the first 50 plus years of my life trying to be like everyone else I finally chose myself. My journey has taken me up and down some hills and valleys that provided me a perspective on life. What I have learned and I am continuing to learn is that I AM OK and I don't have to attempt to look or act like anyone else. My uniqueness is what makes me shine and my confidence had grown 100%. As a podcaster, blogger, and coach I am helping myself and others face this imperfect world and making it the best place in the universe. If I can touch one other person through my stories or sharing those of others I have achieved success.


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