I REALLY admire people like Cynthia Mitchell! "Why is that Mark?", you ask. You see…Cynthia decided to live her life in a very purposeful way, realizing that good or bad, our time on this earth is short. There is only time to live a life of joy!
What a beautiful decision that Cynthia Mitchell and her husband decided early on as the path for their family (which includes two children)! This inspire of a Stage 4 Cancer diagnosis of a rare cancer, cholangeocarcinoma, or bile duct cancer.
Here are Cynthia’s links:
Canadian Cholangiocarcinoma Collaborative
Cynthia MItchell
Please join us for this heartfelt, honest interview, truly spoken from the heart!
#cancer #cancerjourney #cancerpatient #cancersurvivor #cancerlove #cancerfamily #cancerwarrior #cancereducation #cancerconqueringcommunity #positive #positivereinforcement #positiveaffirmations #2byourownhero #cancerconqueringcommunity
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