Diana Ash loves to Travel, along with staying fit. The pressure of getting ready for a trip, may have actually helped to save here life…huh?
Due to the pressure of an impending trip, this impetus helped force Diana to deal with an uncomfortable feeling sooner than later. By NOT listening to her doctor, and going with her gut, she found a way to actually find out what was wrong with her…which turned out to be Cancer!
Here are Diana’s links:
@impact_dash for instagram
Facebook :
The book:
Join us for this riveting interview with crucially important points!
#cancer #cancerjourney #cancerpatient #cancersurvivor #cancerlove #cancerfamily #cancerwarrior #cancereducation #cancerconqueringcommunity #positive #positivereinforcement #positiveaffirmations #2byourownhero #cancerconqueringcommunity
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