This insightful and groundbreaking book has already won several awards, including:
Which means this reviewer is in good company when I write great things about it!
The authors begin by asking “What does it mean to be 50-plus?”
George and Sedena Cappannelli’s Do Not Go Quietly, A Guide To Living Consciously and Aging Wisely For People Who Weren’t Born Yesterday, speaks eloquently and from the heart to both groups. It offers inspiration, information and encouragement to those who may have lost touch with their dreams. And it serves as a clarion call and valuable handbook for those who say, “We still matter! Do not disregard us. We have much to offer the world and we will!”
In a nutshell, Do Not Go Quietly offers straight talk, valuable life strategies, practical tools and inspiring messages for the 150 million Americans who will soon be 50 years and older–and for younger people who want to better prepare for the world they will be soon inherit. The book is infused with the Cappannelli’s inspiring theme: “We are never too old or too young to live the lives we were born to live.” It also provides a host of practical recommendations on specific choices each of us can make to lead more satisfying and successful lives at a time when many are simply giving in or settling in.
Even Generation Y readers — those currently under age 40 — will find benefit in this book. Especially if they want to better understand the road they will soon be traveling, the one their parents, older friends, and relatives are now on. Not to mention understanding a lot more about the remarkable and complex future for which they will soon be responsible.
“The Cappannelli’s have a literary style of writing. No doubt, this will appeal to you if you think of yourself as a creative thinker — no matter whether you’re a reader who is already facing Retirement, or whether you’re younger.
Which is why I see this book as an inspiring call to action, reminding readers, whether we are Boomers, GenXers, or Elders, that our work is not yet done! As well as an assurance that we have the Wisdom, experience, resources and necessity to take an active role in creating a legacy of greater hope and Consciousness for the future.
“We want nothing less than to change how people perceive themselves as they age and to realize that there are many riches to be mined at this stage of life, if one embraces life fully,” say the authors.
It’s no wonder Melina Bellows, writing in The Washingtonian, said, ” “George and Sedena Cappannelli are the real deal. Their Coaching work with world-class organizations and individuals gets to the heart of the matter. And when it comes to transformation, it is certainly the wisdom of the heart that matters most.”
Or, as another reviewer, Michael Meade, author of Fate and Destiny, put it: “Bottom line: George and Sedena have written a thoughtful, thorough and surprising book on the wisdom of aging. It inspires and encourages us to live fully at any age; to act boldly for the sake of the world as well as our own souls.”