Yvonne A Jones interviewed Shara Lewis-Campbell of Beauty and the Beast Publishing. Shara explained that to her customer relationship marketing means creating a Legacy. She and her partner accomplish this by focusing on the underserved community and assisting them in creating a legacy so that their voices are heard.
Shara attributes much of her success to the collaboration between her business partner and herself, who is located in the United States, while she is based in the United Kingdom. They also have teams in both countries. Beauty and the Beast Publishing goes beyond publishing books and creates lifetime Relationships with clients.
Listen as Shara shares about some of the successes she and her business partner have enjoyed due to the relationships they’ve created.
Originally Published on https://www.bizcatalyst360.com/author/yvonneajones/
Yvonne A Jones is a wife, mother, and grandmother and at 52 years of age she handed in her resignation and walked away from Corporate America to start her own business full-time.
She is a Personal Business Coach | Relationship Marketing Strategist| Amazon Best-Selling Author| International Speaker. She is the Founder of the 50 and Wiser Community on Facebook – a Group of women who want to DO more, GIVE more, and BE more.
She was listed on HuffingtonPost.com as one of the “Top 100 Most Social Customer Service Pros on Twitter” and on GetApp.com: “One of the Top 15 Most Influential Customer Service Experts to Follow on Twitter.” Yvonne’s mantra: “Focus on relationships; the money will follow.
BabyBoomer.org is an online membership community created by and for the Baby Boomer Generation. Boomers, and those who service and support them, are welcome to join our community accessing all general topics.