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This week’s Sparks of Joy #24 – Finding Joy during Tropical Cyclone Alfred

World Kindness Day

Welcome to my weekly Sparks of Joy. This week’s Sparks of Joy #24 post is about finding joy despite Cyclone Alfred! This week’s Sparks of Joy #24 Over the last week, Queensland and in particular S.E. Queensland and Northern NSW was on high alert for Cyclone Alfred. It was to be a one in fifty-year event with the last cyclone occurring in Brisbane during 1974. Cyclone Wanda at that time occurred over the Australia Day weekend and the Brisbane River broke its banks and inundated the city, killing 14 people and flooding almost 6,000 homes. Many still talk about ‘the 1974 floods’ in Brisbane. I’ve never experienced any natural disasters in my life which I am very grateful for. Fortunately, Mike has experience and the media coverage was excellent. Regular updates from the Premier of Queensland, the SES and Bureau of Meterology ensured we all knew what to expect and what to do to prepare. We taped up the windows, brought our plants, tables and chairs in from outside and secured our garden shed (Mike was concerned it might blow away). I did a final shop so we had plenty to eat even if the power did go out. We […]

The post This week’s Sparks of Joy #24 – Finding Joy during Tropical Cyclone Alfred appeared first on Women Living Well After 50.

Sue Loncaric, is the founder of Women Living Well After 50, dedicated to empowering women over 50 to live happy, healthy, and fulfilling lives. At 50, she started running and at 55 she started running marathons, which led to becoming a group fitness instructor and personal trainer in her 60s.
Sue's passion is helping women embrace a healthy, active lifestyle on their terms and to start living life in full bloom (her word of the year 2025 ). Through her Women Living Well After 50 podcast, she share stories from inspiring women and explore health, wellness, and personal growth, encouraging others to live life in full bloom. Join her in celebrating this exciting phase with enthusiasm and joy!


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