Sunday - March 16th, 2025
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Chronic Illness: 7 Gems of Wisdom for Understanding Friends and Family

It is natural to hold onto memories of what gave us joy, whether that involves experiences or images of friends and loved ones. However, when something, such as a chronic illness, makes the images fade, we either adjust to the new reality or pretend the changes haven’t occurred.

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Stan Goldberg Professor Emeritus, San Francisco State University

I am a person living with cancer, a Professor Emeritus who for more than 25 years taught, provided therapy, researched, and published in the areas of learning problems, communication disorders, loss, change, and end-of-life issues. For eight years I was a bedside hospice volunteer and currently counsel caregivers.

More than 200 free articles on topics that affect seniors appear on my website, I also have authored nine books, the latest PREVENTING SENIOR MOMENTS: HOW TO STAY ALERT INTO YOUR 90S AND BEYOND is available from all online booksellers and can be ordered through brick-and-mortar stores.


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