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Corinna Stoeffl Mentor for Conscious Living

As a Mentor for Conscious Living, I emphasize awareness, presence, and alignment as guiding principles for intentional living. My mission is to support people in navigating this stage of life with purpose and grace—not just for personal Growth, but as a meaningful contribution to the world.

Drawing from a rich tapestry of life experiences and a deep connection with nature, I offer a space where you can authentically explore and express yourself.

I invite you to join me in reimagining elderhood—not as a time of retreat, but as an opportunity for growth, contribution, and meaningful connection. Together, we can explore questions such as:

How is the role of elders evolving in today's world?
What unique Wisdom can we offer in addressing contemporary challenges?
How can we honor past traditions while embracing present opportunities?

What if we could live in a world where kindness, non-judgment, contribution, and joy were the norm? Where we considered the impact of our choices on all and desired to create more for people, nature, and the earth. What if we actively created a future based on these ideas in pragmatic ways? Would that be a world you’d want to live in too?

Recent Content

Challenges With Communication &Raquo; Corinna 5466 Square
Challenges with Communication

To begin, I want to share a few possible scenarios that lead to a breakdown or a non-functioning communication. First of all, how often do we listen to another person with the intention to come up wit…

To begin, I want to …

To begin, I want to share a few possible scenarios that lead to a breakdown or a non-functioning communication. First of all, how often do we listen to another person with the intention to come up with a response that can prove that my point of view is the correct one? Does that create anything? Am I actually hearing what the other is saying? No. A second scenario is that communication is controlled by victim mentality. There is so much of that. I don't mean this in a derogatory way, but people buy into the idea that they are a victim. So the communication is controlled by their victim mental…

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The Power Of Words &Raquo; Corinna 5466 Square
The Power of Words

Are you aware that we are speaking and thinking about 60,000 to 80,000 words per day? When I got that information, I was holy macaroni, that many words and, even if we don't talk a lot, we're pretty b…

Are you aware that w…

Are you aware that we are speaking and thinking about 60,000 to 80,000 words per day? When I got that information, I was holy macaroni, that many words and, even if we don't talk a lot, we're pretty busy in our head. So what are we telling ourselves with all those thoughts?Are we programming ourselves in a way? I think yes, we are doing that, because what we're thinking about ourselves, for instance, impacts our emotions, our actions, our health. What we say can uplift or crush us or somebody else. It influences how we see our lives, and, depending on that, it influences what we feel we can or…

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Humanity &Raquo; Corinna 5466 Square

Last year, I gave a TEDx talk that went live the end of last week. Listening to it again, it reminded me of a subject I use quite a bit in presentations: humanity. So first of all, what is humanity? …

Last year, I gave a …

Last year, I gave a TEDx talk that went live the end of last week. Listening to it again, it reminded me of a subject I use quite a bit in presentations: humanity. So first of all, what is humanity? I decided to consult Google and came up with three things:The concept of humanity: Humanity is the human race, which includes everyone on earth. It is also a word for the qualities that make us human, such as the ability to love and have compassion, to be creative and not be a robot or an alien. What is the deeper meaning of humanity? Humanity is a virtue linked with altruistic ethics, device der…

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Dancing With The Shadow &Raquo; Corinna 5466 Square
Dancing with the Shadow

This time, I have an interesting subject. I want to talk about Shadow! What is that? According to Carl Jung, we push all the traits we have, the desires we have that we judge as not positive, into the…

This time, I have an…

This time, I have an interesting subject. I want to talk about Shadow! What is that? According to Carl Jung, we push all the traits we have, the desires we have that we judge as not positive, into the shadow. And there is also the shadow gold, the so called positive traits that we do not want to acknowledge in own, in ourselves. So we push them away.We tend to protect what is in our shadow onto others. I mean, how often have we met somebody and said: Oh, I don't like (s)he is so.......... The reality is that this is a character trait that we also have and we don't like it. We judge it in ourse…

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Elderhood – Equality &Raquo; Corinna 5466 Square
Elderhood – Equality

Talking about equality is the last article of the series of nine on elderhood. It is another way in which an elder potentially impacts society. We need to move from the current inequality to equality.…

Talking about equali…

Talking about equality is the last article of the series of nine on elderhood. It is another way in which an elder potentially impacts society. We need to move from the current inequality to equality. We have inequality on so many levels, not just gender based, in the workplace, in society in general, there is racial, age related financial, and there's the group thinking with you're in the group or you are out of the group.Inherent in inequality is judgment. Really look at it. How do we determine that there is not equality, and one side considers that it is better, more capable, has more knowl…

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Elderhood – Appreciating Diversity &Raquo; Corinna 5466 Square
Elderhood – Appreciating Diversity

In the last article, I wrote about moving from competition to collaboration. In this one, I would like to talk about moving from mono-culture to appreciation of diversity. We have monoculture on many …

In the last article,…

In the last article, I wrote about moving from competition to collaboration. In this one, I would like to talk about moving from mono-culture to appreciation of diversity. We have monoculture on many levels, be forestry or food production, but also culturally and with ethnicity.I remember as a teenager in Germany when an influx of people from Turkey began I heard people, including my own parents, being afraid of losing our culture. Was that true? Is is true that I could loose my culture due to people with a different culture? Are we losing our culture because people immigrate, or are we getti…

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Elderhood: Cooperation &Raquo; Corinna 5466 Square
Elderhood: Cooperation

In the next three articles, I look at being an elder in society. The areas I have chosen are inspired by my sense of needing to evolve from Humanity 1.0 where we currently are at to Humanity 2.0 and w…

In the next three ar…

In the next three articles, I look at being an elder in society. The areas I have chosen are inspired by my sense of needing to evolve from Humanity 1.0 where we currently are at to Humanity 2.0 and what could be. I used some words to describe the current situation where we have competition, greed, selfishness, mono-culture and judgment that are being valued by our culture. It's not serving us anymore and people are already moving away from that. Elders can be the role models for a different way of being in the world. Right now, competition is considered good and normal, isn't it? I'm wonderi…

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Elderhood: Wisdom &Raquo; Corinna 5466 Square
Elderhood: Wisdom

Wisdom! This it a difficult subject. How does one talk about wisdom?Looking up the definition says: the quality of having experience, knowledge and good judgment, the quality of being wise. I have to …

Wisdom! This it a di…

Wisdom! This it a difficult subject. How does one talk about wisdom?Looking up the definition says: the quality of having experience, knowledge and good judgment, the quality of being wise. I have to say, there is a different wisdom that I gained. Knowing that if I do something, create something based on a past experience, I cannot go beyond what I created in the past. In a way, if I use that definition of wisdom, even though my action may be wise, can I go beyond what has been created in the past according to what I've learned? No, I can't. We are living at a major change point in this time.…

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Similarities And Opposites &Raquo; Corinna 5466 Square
Similarities and Opposites

A few weeks ago, I came across Peter Crone on a podcast. I liked what I heard and looked for more. I liked his asking questions, so it took a lot longer to listen to one. I often hit pause and wondere…

A few weeks ago, I c…

A few weeks ago, I came across Peter Crone on a podcast. I liked what I heard and looked for more. I liked his asking questions, so it took a lot longer to listen to one. I often hit pause and wondered how that question applied to my life.Taking a deep dive like that results in me not doing much beyond what I have on my calendar. This way of looking at my life brought up a lot, not in a bad way. I began to see patterns, saw periods in my life in a completely new way. It was fascinating and interesting.I am becoming aware of subtle differences. For instance: accepting and receiving. On the one …

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Elderhood: Courage &Raquo; Corinna 5466 Square
Elderhood: Courage

What is courage? And especially, what is courage in the context of elderhood? We assign courage to the so-called adrenaline junkies.  On some level, I was part of that. I remember in the early 90s, …

What is courage? And…

What is courage? And especially, what is courage in the context of elderhood? We assign courage to the so-called adrenaline junkies.  On some level, I was part of that. I remember in the early 90s, 30 years ago, be being a participant in a workshop with Dan Millman. One day, we left early in the morning, did a bungee jump out of a hot air balloon. And after that, we skydived. The most vivid memory of that experience is my body screaming, do something, we are falling.Then there is the courage of first responders and soldiers by being in dangerous situations to save people's lives.But what doe…

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