Are you a marathon runner? Or is this upcoming race your first one? Whether you’ve been running for years or you’ve just gotten into it, there’s never too much you can learn in regard to your health and safety.
Marathons are both thrilling and rewarding, but like any other sport, running doesn’t come without risks. A simple buildup of lactic acid can cause pain and muscles to cramp, leading a runner to collapse. An undetected heart condition can lead to serious medical emergencies. Too much water can lead to hyponatremia. Heat can lead to a heart Stroke. There is so much that factors into running a marathon.
In this blog, we’ll cover everything you need to know as a marathon racer. With knowledge and simple tips and tricks to help you prepare and be aware of the potential dangers of racing a marathon, you’ll be ready to go!
A heat stroke is one of the most common reasons that lead to unconsciousness during a marathon. When you run and exert tremendous energy, your body generates a lot of heat. Over time, this will result in an abnormally high body temperature which can lead to confusion, dizziness, vomiting or collapsing. Dehydration can increase your risk of heat stroke. While a heat stroke is more common on very hot days, it can also happen on days with moderate weather.
Typically, this occurs in runners who drink too much water during a race, which dilutes the sodium into their blood to such an extent that it disrupts their body’s normal biochemistry. Hyponatremic runners can result in vomiting, confusion and unconsciousness. For a more in-depth look at hyponatremia, here is a great article that can give you insight into how to avoid facing such consequences when drinking water before, during and after a race.
Heart disease can lead to a heart attack during a race, even in younger runners. Many runners train and race with undetected congenital heart conditions. You should consult with your doctor before a race or serious physical activity.
According to Runners Connect, the majority of runners who collapse after reaching the finish line of a race are most likely suffering from a relatively benign condition called postural hypotension. Postural hypotension usually happens because you’ve stopped running which affects your blood pressure producing dizziness, nausea, and fainting.
There are several very serious life-threatening medical problems that can cause a runner to collapse, during or after a race. Any collapsed runner needs medical attention right away, so it’s important to listen to your body and get help. Many runners are overwhelmed with adrenaline and will not take collapsing after a race seriously. Knowing the various reasons why a runner may collapse during or after a race could potentially save a life, so it’s really worth learning.
As the amount of training miles per week increases, so does the risk of injury. With such a large number of training miles to prepare for running a marathon, it’s not surprising that 29 to 43 percent of runners develop injuries during the training process. Exercise is supposed to make us healthier, and it does. But there are some medical conditions, aside from physical injury, that you are more likely to experience if you’re a runner. One of them being dizziness and collapsing. A runner may collapse for a number of reasons; it could be an undetected heart condition or simply going from a standing and running position to a laying down position. The medical term for this exercise associated is postural hypertension, also known as EAPH, and it’s common.
Thankfully, there are tips and tricks you can involve to help yourself if such a situation does happen to occur. FOUND ME offers rubber emergency bracelets that are comfortable and easy to wear. On the bracelet, a QR code will help just about anybody during an emergency. When the QR code is scanned, the scanner, most likely a paramedic or professional, will gain access to important medical information and history of the individual, including height, weight, allergies, whether the individual is diabetic or not, and any other information that may be helpful during an emergency situation.
The bracelet also holds something precious – it lets your loved ones know you’re in trouble. When the QR code on the bracelet is scanned, up to five emergency contacts are immediately contacted.
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