In times of crisis, the best in us will surface. We find something that wells up from deep within, from a place we may have not visited in a while.
When we see others in pain, fear and/or suffering, our innate nature of nurture surfaces.
We all want this turning point in the history of mankind to show signs of ending. While we wait, our patience is being tested, something extraordinary is happening.
Compassion and creativity are merging.
In order to keep from boredom, men, women, and children are finding creative ways to share, connect and reach out in ways they have not done before. I see amazing fortitude in pushing forward through the challenges we face.
While some of us are scared and feel intimidated by the uncertainty of our future, others are reaching out to comfort, standing in strength to support those in need.
Life will go on, no matter what we are thinking, doing or not doing. We cannot control what is happening, but we can choose how we respond to the situation.
We will all have a story to tell, and this event will go down in the history books as it is an unprecedented unfolding of what it takes for the world to unite in saving ourselves with compassion, being creative in staying focused, and moving forward into a new way of being once this is over.
There are heroes among us we must honor and cherish. They are the threads of hope and the lifeline joining together to find a quick solution, handle imminent threats, and do their best to assist the greater community to become whole again.
Be sure to thank each and every person you know who is and will contribute to the success of our coming out of this crisis victorious. Although we will have lost many lives, people’s livelihoods will have been shattered, and there is a long road ahead of us for rebuilding; we always seem to rise above the ashes.
Stay positive, stay strong, never give up. Our future is being shaped by the events of today, tomorrow is a reflection of how we persevere through tough times.
~ Eileen Bild