Relating the body to embodied leadership makes sense coming from a former professional dancer. Rochelle Rice did just that in the area of jazz with 30+ years in the fitness industry. She really believes that all women deserve a movement program that works for her body and should not be shamed or blamed. Embodied leadership refers to the role of the body in effective leadership or how to stay effective in the middle of chaos.
Drawing on her background as a former professional jazz dancer, Rochelle Rice, with over 30 years in the fitness industry, connects the body to leadership. She passionately advocates for movement programs, both for the mind and body, tailored to every woman’s uniqueness, rejecting any form of shame or blame. The concept of embodied leadership, as she explains, explores the vital role the body plays in effective leadership and maintaining effectiveness amid chaos.
Many individuals have diligently cultivated a robust skill set, particularly those at mid-career or the halftime of life. Acknowledging the invaluable foundation created by those skills and experiences is essential when navigating change and transition. This mindset doesn’t suggest knowing everything or perfection; instead, it signifies possessing a reservoir of skills that facilitates intentional transitions and decisions. It provides the freedom to pause, take inventory, and chart a course that aligns with one’s vision for making a meaningful impact, rather than merely adhering to a predetermined career path. In this article we delve into three areas: listening to the body, becoming bilingual and making dreams come true.
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