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31 Father’s Day Activities to Do with Your Dad

Father’s Day is a special occasion to celebrate and appreciate the father figures in our lives. Whether you’re looking to spend quality time outdoors or enjoy a cozy day at home, there are plenty of Father’s Day activities to make this Father’s Day memorable. From adventurous outings to relaxing home-based hobbies, this blog outlines 31 diverse Father’s Day activities that cater to different interests and lifestyles. Get ready to discover new ways to celebrate Father’s Day and bond with your dad and – if you’re so fortunate – your grandfather to create lasting memories together! Hopefully these ideas can help while you’re celebrating Father’s Day.

Father’s Day Celebration: Activities For Going Out

Stepping out of the house can turn any day into an adventure, especially when celebrating Father’s Day. Here are several Father’s Day activities that can help you make the most out of the outdoors and give your dad a day filled with fun and excitement:

1. Hiking Adventures

Embark on a hiking adventure with your dad to explore the beauty of nature while engaging in physical activity. Choose a trail that fits your dad’s fitness level and interests, perhaps a forest reserve or a coastal path, offering both challenge and scenic views. Pack essential gear like water, snacks, and a first-aid kit. Hiking is not only good for physical health but also offers a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life, providing a perfect backdrop for deep conversations or companionable silence with your father. Consider taking breaks at picturesque spots for photos or to simply soak in the environment, making the outing even more memorable as a special Father’s Day activity. Live in a city? Make it an urban hike in a new neighborhood!

2. Fishing Trip

A fishing trip can be a tranquil experience, allowing your dad to unwind and engage with nature, making it a perfect way to celebrate Father’s Day. Choose a spot known for its beauty and tranquility, whether it’s a lake, river, or the sea. Pack all the necessary gear, including rods, bait, and a comfortable chair for your dad. Fishing provides a lot of downtime, which is perfect for sharing stories or sitting in silence, enjoying each other’s company. To enhance the experience, plan to grill your catch on-site if possible, turning the day into a delightful outdoor meal.

3. Golf Outing

A ​​day on the golf course is a splendid opportunity for exercise and bonding and a classic way that golf fans are celebrating Father’s Day. Select a course that matches your dad’s skill level and has scenic views to enhance the experience. Renting a golf cart can add a fun element to the day, especially if the course is large. Consider booking a tee time early in the day to avoid the afternoon rush and finish your outing with a meal at the clubhouse. This allows you both to relax and discuss the highlights of your game in a comfortable setting, rounding out a perfect day on the greens.

4. Attend A Car Show 

For dads who have an interest in automobiles, a car show is an exciting outing and an easy Father’s Day activity for seniors. These events feature a variety of vehicles, from vintage classics to the latest high-performance cars, providing plenty to discuss and admire. It’s a great opportunity to learn about the history and features of different cars, possibly sparking new interests or reigniting old passions. Car shows often also feature food stalls and other entertainment, making it easy to spend a whole day exploring.

5. Take Your Dad Out for a Meal

Dining out on Father’s Day is a wonderful way to treat your dad and your grandfather without requiring him to lift a finger. Choose a restaurant that serves his favorite cuisine, or try something new that you think he might enjoy. Consider places with a special Father’s Day menu or entertainment. Opt for a quiet spot where you can talk and enjoy each other’s company without too much distraction. This meal is a great opportunity to create new memories and show your appreciation for all he does.

6. Beach Day 

Spending the day at the beach is the perfect Father’s Day celebration idea for dads who enjoy the water and sand. You can swim, build sandcastles, (bring the grandkids!) or simply sunbathe. Bring along a picnic with his favorite snacks and drinks, and maybe a book or some music for relaxation. Don’t forget sunscreen and an umbrella for shade. This relaxed setting is ideal for heartfelt conversations or just enjoying the serene atmosphere together.

7. Take Your Dad for a Long Drive 

A long drive can be an excellent way to explore new areas together or revisit favorite spots from the past. This type of Father’s Day celebration is intimate and can be full of nostalgia. Plan your route around places of interest, such as beautiful scenic views, unique eateries, or historical areas. A well-prepared playlist of his favorite songs can enhance the journey, and don’t forget to pack snacks and drinks for the road. This activity allows for quality time together, with the landscape changing around you, offering new topics of conversation or simply a shared appreciation of the sights. Think about old sites that he’d like to visit: your old homes, offices, etc. 

8. Sightseeing

Whether it’s local landmarks, parks, or new attractions, spending the day sightseeing can be a great adventure and wonderful Father’s Day activity. It’s a chance to learn something new together and take plenty of photos. Choose destinations that are not too far, allowing more time to explore and less time traveling. Sightseeing can be particularly rewarding in cities with rich histories or unique architecture.

9. Spa Day 

A spa day can be a refreshing break not only for your dad but also for you. Book treatments that you both can enjoy, such as massages, facials, or sauna sessions. Many spas offer special packages for Father’s Day, making it a luxurious yet relaxing experience. This kind of outing can show your dad how much you appreciate his hard work and give him a day of pampered relaxation.

10. Visit Breweries and Wineries 

Touring local breweries or wineries can be a delightful experience, especially if your dad enjoys a quality pint or glass of wine. These tours often include tastings and discussions about the production process, making it educational as well as enjoyable. Look for locations that offer a scenic backdrop, adding to the ambiance of your day out.

11. Museum Visit

A museum visit is perfect for Father’s Day activity for dads who love to learn and explore cultural, historical, or scientific exhibits. Choose a museum that aligns with his interests, and spend the day discovering and discussing new topics. Many museums have cafes or areas where you can sit down and reflect on what you’ve seen, making it a comprehensive cultural outing.

12. Historical Site Tour 

Touring historical sites can be a profound experience, especially if your dad is a history buff. Choose sites that align with his interests, whether they’re ancient ruins, historical battlefields, or national monuments. We know all those dad who love digging into local and national history, so this is a great Father’s Day celebration idea that he would truly love. These tours often offer a glimpse into the past and can be a great educational experience for both of you.

13. Karaoke

This activity might not be for all dads, but if your dad has a flair for performance, a karaoke session can be a fun and hilarious way to spend Father’s Day evening. Choose a local karaoke bar or set up a machine at home. Singing along to old classics or challenging each other with songs outside of your comfort zone can lead to lots of laughs and good times.

14. Ticket to a Favorite Show

Whether it’s a concert, theater production, or a sports match, getting tickets to a live event is a wonderful way to celebrate Father’s Day. Sitting out in the bleachers of a baseball game with a hot dog and a choice beverage could be the perfect way for some dads to celebrate Father’s Day. Choose an event that you know he would be thrilled to attend. The energy of a live audience and the performance can make for an unforgettable day.

15. Photo Session

Memories are fleeting, so do your best to capture and keep them. Arrange a professional photo session for you and your dad. This can take place in a studio, at home, or at a beautiful outdoor location. It’s a great way to have fun posing and capturing moments together that you’ll both cherish for years to come. Pro-tip: Bring the grandkids and pets!

16. Massage 

Booking a massage session for your dad, or even a couples’ massage for both of you, can be a deeply relaxing way to spend Father’s Day. It’s a thoughtful way to help him unwind and relieve stress, especially if he leads a busy or physically demanding life. Many spas offer special Father’s Day packages, making it easy to find a treatment that will suit his preferences, from deep tissue to aromatic Swedish massages. This activity not only promotes relaxation but also health and well-being, making it a meaningful gift that shows your care for his comfort and health. This could also be a great activity to include grandfathers. 

17. Recreate Past Moments 

Recreate past memorable moments that you have shared with your dad and your grandfather as a novel way to celebrate Father’s Day. This could involve revisiting a place that holds special meaning, such as where you spent family vacations, or engaging in activities you enjoyed together when you were younger. Bringing these moments back to life not only stirs nostalgia but also shows the significance of those memories in shaping your relationship. This thoughtful journey down memory lane can be both emotional and joyous, reinforcing the bond you share through cherished shared experiences. What a wonderful Father’s Day activity!

18. Sports Game

Attending a sports game is a fantastic way to bond over shared enthusiasm for a favorite team or sport. Purchase tickets to a game that your dad would love, whether it’s baseball, basketball, football, or any other sport he follows. The energetic atmosphere of the stadium, the thrill of the game, and the shared experience can make for an exciting day out. You can make the event more special by grabbing some fan gear like jerseys or hats to support the team. This activity not only provides entertainment but also stimulates engaging discussions and creates lasting memories of a day spent cheering and enjoying sports together.

19. Spend Time with Grandkids

Spending time with grandkids can be one of the most rewarding ways to celebrate Father’s Day for seniors. Plan a day filled with activities that both your dad and his grandchildren can enjoy together, such as a visit to the zoo, park, or a family-friendly movie. Engaging in crafts or simple backyard games like hide and seek or catch can also be great for bonding. This intergenerational interaction not only strengthens family ties but also allows your dad to share stories and wisdom with the younger generation. Make sure to capture these moments with photos or videos, giving him a tangible reminder of the special day. Such gatherings create cherished memories and highlight the continuity and love within a family.

Father’s Day Celebration: Activities For Staying Home

1. Movie Marathon

Organize a movie marathon featuring your dad’s favorite films or genres, turning your living room into a cozy home cinema. You can select classics, thrillers, comedies, or a mix of everything to keep the entertainment varied and engaging. Enhance the experience with comfy seating, dim lighting, and a big bowl of popcorn along with other favorite snacks and drinks. This is a fantastic way to relax and share a few laughs or gripping moments. Discussing the films afterward can add depth to the experience, making this a simple yet meaningful way to spend quality time together for Father’s Day. It’s an excellent option for dads who prefer a quiet and relaxing day.

2. Cooking Together

Cooking together is not just about preparing a meal but also about sharing recipes, techniques, and stories. Choose a dish that your dad loves or try something new that you can both learn to make together. This can be a particularly enjoyable Father’s Day activity if the recipe has a family significance or if it’s something adventurous and different from your usual meals. Cooking together fosters teamwork and provides a sense of accomplishment when you finally sit down to enjoy your creation. It’s a warm, engaging activity that allows for bonding over the shared joy of food and cooking.

3. Share Memories and Stories 

Dedicate the day to reminiscing and sharing fond memories with your father and grandfather. For a Father’s Day activity for seniors, bringing old memories to life is priceless. Bring out old photo albums, watch home videos, or simply sit together and recount favorite family stories. This activity is especially touching for older fathers, as it allows them to reflect on the past and share their life experiences. It’s an excellent way for different generations to connect on a deeper level and preserve precious family history. The act of sharing stories can be both heartwarming and enlightening, providing insights into each other’s lives and strengthening bonds.

4. Make Handmade Crafts Together

Engage in a craft-making session with your dad. You can choose activities like woodworking, model building, or even simpler crafts like making a birdhouse or decorating picture frames. This not only sparks creativity but also gives you something tangible to keep as a memory of the day. Crafts require collaboration and patience, offering a fun challenge and a way to learn new skills together. The focus on a shared project can enhance communication and leave both of you with a sense of pride and achievement in your handcrafted items.

5. Games Night

Host a games night with board games, card games, or video games that your dad enjoys. Invite over family, grandkids and friends. This can be an energetic and playful way to spend the evening on Father’s Day. Games like chess, Scrabble, or even multiplayer video games can provide entertainment and a bit of friendly competition. Make sure to include a variety of games to cater to all interests and age groups present. This activity is perfect for dads who love a challenge and enjoy engaging with the family in a lively, interactive setting.

6. Host a BBQ

If the weather permits, firing up the grill for a barbecue can be a delightful way to celebrate Father’s Day. Let your dad take the lead if he enjoys grilling, or take the opportunity to grill together as a family. You can prepare a variety of his favorite meats, veggies, and other grill-friendly dishes. Accompany the meal with his favorite beverages and perhaps some music in the background. A BBQ is not just about the food but also about enjoying the outdoors and relaxing with family. 

7. Playing Cards 

A quiet evening of playing cards can be both a relaxing and mentally stimulating activity for Father’s Day. Choose from a variety of card games like poker, bridge, or rummy, depending on what your dad enjoys. This can be a low-key but engaging way to spend quality time together, especially if your dad enjoys strategies and games of chance. It’s also a great way to involve other family members and turn it into a multi-generational game night.

8. Family Get Together  

Of course, organizing a small family gathering at home can make Father’s Day special not just for your dad but for the entire family. It’s a wonderful opportunity to catch up, share a meal, and enjoy each other’s company. You can plan a few group activities or simply relax and chat. This kind of gathering reinforces family ties and makes your dad feel loved and appreciated on his special day.

9. Fly a Kite 

If you have the space, flying a kite is a nostalgic and fun outdoor activity that can be enjoyed by family members of all ages. It’s especially enjoyable on a windy day. Flying a kite can be both meditative and exhilarating as you watch it soar high in the sky. This activity is perfect for adding a bit of adventure and whimsy to the day.

10. Cook a Family Recipe with the Family

Cooking a beloved family recipe together can be a meaningful and delicious way to spend Father’s Day. It’s a chance to pass down culinary traditions and perhaps learn a bit more about the family history associated with the dish. Cooking together fosters teamwork and gives everyone a role, making the meal even more special because it’s made with love by the entire family.

11. Plan a Mini Vacation

Planning a mini vacation or a staycation in your own city can be a refreshing change of pace and can be a fun Father’s Day activity for seniors. You can book a local hotel room, visit local attractions, or simply create a vacation-like atmosphere at home with themed decorations and foods. This can provide a relaxing and fun escape for the whole family, giving your dad a well-deserved break.

12. Gardening

Gardening together can be a peaceful and productive way to spend Father’s Day. Whether it’s planting new flowers, herbs, or vegetables, or simply tending to an existing garden, this activity allows for quiet conversation and teamwork. Gardening is not only therapeutic but also rewarding, as you see the results of your efforts grow over time, much like the nurturing of family relationships.

Benefits of Father’s Day Activities

Father’s Day activities are more than just fun; they’re a way to strengthen bonds, express appreciation, and make lifelong memories. These shared experiences can deepen relationships and provide a sense of belonging and happiness. Moreover, engaging in activities together can help alleviate stress and offer a break from the routine, enhancing emotional and mental well-being for both you and your dad.


This Father’s Day, take the opportunity to do something special with your dad that you both will enjoy. Whether you choose to explore the outdoors, indulge in a hobby at home, or simply spend time together, the activities listed above offer a variety of ways to celebrate and appreciate the father figures in our lives. Make this Father’s Day memorable by choosing activities that suit his interests and show how much you care. Here’s to creating more joyful memories and strengthening bonds this Father’s Day!

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Ben Graham Joe & Bella VP of Marketing

Ben Graham is the Vice President of Marketing at Joe & Bella, an adaptive-apparel company for older adults that focuses on creating innovative and fashionable apparel. Joe & Bella was recently awarded the “Most Innovative Older Adult Clothing Brand: 2022” by Global Health and “2022 Best New Apparel Brand” by Boomer Venture Summit. Joe & Bella’s first adaptive clothing line, CareZips, won the 2022 "Best New Product”award by Today’s Caregiver Magazine and Ben was previously Vice President of Marketing and Partnerships at Collaborata, an innovative marketing-research firm that brought corporate partners together to find solutions to business problems. Collaborata focuses on topics including caregiving, aging, diversity, and equity with clients such as AARP, Procter & Gamble, Bank of America, Target, and Nike. Ben spent many years, together with his family, providing care for his two grandparents who lived for nearly a decade in assisted living and memory care.

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