“7 Ways To Resolve ANY Conflict” By Pragito Dove
7 Ways To Resolve ANY Conflict
By: Pragito Dove
Many of us dread conflict. We wish we could all “just get along.”
Life, however, has other ideas for us. Everyone is here to be ourselves and have our own opinions, likes, and dislikes. etc. How boring things would be if we all agreed on everything all the time. Where would our creativity be needed?
The exciting thing about conflict is that it forces us to expand into a greater creative expression of ourselves. Good things have happened whenever I have found the courage to call someone to task and discuss our conflicting opinions. It doesn’t mean I always get my way, but I put myself in a position to express my opinion, speak my truth, and listen to their side. Then I have a CHOICE: find an agreement or leave the relationship/situation. And, importantly, I feel good about myself that I have made every effort to find a resolution.
If we don’t speak up, we are sitting on an energy of resentment, fear, or frustration, which can lead, later on, to unconscious expressions of that same energy, which will probably not have good outcomes.
Conflict is not inevitable. People create conflicts, and people can choose to end them. This cannot happen if the parties are set on victory instead of compromising or prioritizing self-centered interest over the highest good of everyone concerned.
Conflict can be resolved when the willingness to be available for discussion exists. If conflict is rooted in an ‘us’ and ‘them’ or ‘me’ and ‘you’ approach, then peace-building is precisely the opposite. We have to get past the adversarial mindset and involve everyone concerned in addressing the common challenges, listening to other points of view, and seeing where we can meet, emphasizing what we DO agree on and not what we don’t agree on.
When we focus on what we all want and not on what we don’t want, there is a higher possibility of success.
Our personal histories are all, in one way or another, shaped by the legacies of conflict. But as profound and deep-rooted as our differences may be, it is in our power to redefine those legacies and, in so doing, redefine ourselves. Wherever we live, we must recognize that ‘peace’ is not something you can win; it has to be built and shared.
Here are 7 suggestions for conflict resolution…
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Originally Published on https://classes.empoweringhumanitytv.com/