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How Social Media Shapes Our World View &Raquo; Disruption 250X210 1

How Social Media Shapes Our World View

  Social media certainly has turned out to be a double edged sword. Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc. are great ways to keep in touch with family and friends, learn new stuff, and be entertained. Yet, it has been weaponized by unscrupulous people who use it to spread disinformation, hateful messages, and discontent. Their purpose might […]

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Inaccuracy In The News–Been Around Forever! &Raquo; Boomertech Banner Feat

Inaccuracy in the News–Been Around Forever!

  “There has been more new error propagated by the press in the last ten years than in an hundred years before 1798…” John Adams ( 31 BC, Octavian (ruler of the western part of the Roman empire) and Antony (ruler of the eastern portion and Cleopatra’s lover) square off to see who will become […]

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Staying In Control Begins With An Orderly Desk

When I feel overloaded and overwhelmed and a sense of loss of control over important parts of my life, I can usually look at my desktop to help me regain a sense of control. As much as we have come to rely on electronics for communicating, banking, and other activities, I still get a lot […]

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Why Isn’t S/He More Like Me?

In working with individual patients, I’m often intrigued by the fact that individuals with low self-esteem can be quite critical about others with whom they interact.  It’s actually quite paradoxical but frequently observed that a person with low self-esteem is bothered by the fact that some of their peers choose to act in ways or […]

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What Iphone Is Next? A Bta Podcast &Raquo; Boomertech Banner Feat

What iPhone is Next? A BTA Podcast

BTA Guides Chris, Jill, and Ed discuss what iPhones they currently have and the features they like. Then they move to the NEXT iPhone they each would like and explain why. Throughout, they mention a number of key points about deciding to upgrade an iPhone and why an upgrade is important and necessary. Originally Published […]

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Sometimes Being There Is Enough

Among the things that people are never trained for is how to be a bystander.  Whether we are a bystander at the scene of an accident or we are supporting a friend or relative who is dealing with an injury or illness or death of a loved one or we are navigating the process of […]

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Patience Learned The Hard Way &Raquo; Sharkie32

Patience Learned the Hard Way

“You’re going to love it!”   “You will be so happy you had it done.”  You’ll do great!  Just make sure you do the rehab.” These were the main responses received when I announced that I was having a full knee replacement late December of 2018.  I was excited to get so much support from friends […]

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I Still Do…The Second Half Of Life Relationship Rules &Raquo; Sharkie22

I Still Do…The Second Half of Life Relationship Rules

Being married for any length of time is truly an accomplishment these days. Recently,  someone asked me how long I have been married and when I said, “46 years this July,” her eyes got huge and she said, “To the same person? How is that possible?” At our wedding, people were taking bets on how […]

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The Rookie Grandma &Raquo; Sharkie1

The Rookie Grandma

There we were, laughing and sharing stories at a new restaurant when suddenly, my daughter, Teri, got a weird look on her face and appeared to be crying. Nothing prepared me for what came next. “Mom, you are going to be a Grandma!” She said excitedly. She looked at me with big eyes, raised eyebrows, […]

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