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Barbara Karnes

Winding Down as End of Life Approaches

I was thinking about life and living the other day——- what? doesn’t everybody?  Anyway, I envisioned life as a line. Birth, living, dying, death is how life unfolds. We are born with labor to get into this world. We learn how to eat, to sleep, and to socialize as part of being alive. Then we […]

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Reaching out to a Non-Religious Person At End of Life

Dear Barbara, How important is spirituality and how do you reach out to a non-religious person who believes the end is the end? One of the “End of Life Rules” in supporting someone is to accept them with their belief system. It is not our place to try to share our beliefs, only to support theirs. […]

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I’m a Caregiver and I’m so Beat Up

Dear Barbara, I’m a caregiver and I’m so beat up. When do I just say I’ve done all I can? Now! Sounds like you’ve reached your limit. It’s time to put your “oxygen mask on.”  You can’t provide good care  when you are “so beat up.”  That isn’t good for you. And it isn’t good for […]

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What Role Does the Hospice Chaplain Fulfill?

Someone asked me what role I see chaplains fulfilling in end of life care. In reflecting on that question it occurred to me that chaplains tends to get lost in the shuffle of patient care. It is the least understood and often the least accessed of the hospice services provided. Sadly, to everyone’s loss. Hospice […]

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How the “Little Hospice Blue Book” Got Its Name

In the early 1980s I was in an antique/junk kind of shop and saw an old beat up picture frame with a faded poem written in it. Gone From My Sight was the poem’s name. I smiled when I read the poem, thought “how beautiful,” and bought the framed poem.  Fast forward to 1985. As a hospice […]

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What Does Teaching End of Life Care Look Like?

“Dying is not a medical event” and “The medical model views death as a failure, something to be fixed, to address” are two quotes you will hear from me repeatedly. The second quote is actually part of the foundation of healthcare so when working with end of life caretakers (nurses, social workers, home health aides, […]

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How Am I Going To Die? When Will It Come?

Dear Barbara, I am 90 years old and have been healthy for most of those years. I take a thyroid pill and have a bit of arthritis. I am active, do yoga, and lead an independent life. Being old and healthy, my question is how am I going to die? Do you think I’ll just […]

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