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March 19th, 2025

1125: Most People Have No Idea This Helps with Stress: The Power of Grounding

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Gina Ryan1125: Most People Have No Idea This Helps with Stress: The Power of Grounding
  1. 1125: Most People Have No Idea This Helps with Stress: The Power of Grounding Gina Ryan 22:22

In today’s episode, Gina discusses how to ground oneself into the environment and the present moment in order to better cope with stress and Anxiety. More specifically, the “freeze state” is discussed, also known as being in a dorsal vagal state. The grounding techniques shared in this episode help gently activate the ventral vagal system to support your sense of safety and connection. Listen in and start feeling safer and calmer today!

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When we anchor in safety, our nervous system has the opportunity to regulate, and from that place of regulation, we can engage more fully with life.

–Deb Dana


0:42 Introduction to Grounding

4:46 Symptoms of Anxiety States

7:09 Grounding Techniques Explained

12:38 When to Use Grounding Practices

14:51 Experimenting with Grounding Methods

16:03 Closing Thoughts and Reminders


In this enlightening episode of the Anxiety Coaches Podcast, I delve into the transformative practice of grounding and its pivotal role in managing anxiety. Grounding is a technique designed to anchor our minds and bodies in the present moment, and it can be incredibly useful when facing stress and anxiety that often leaves us feeling disconnected or overwhelmed. Throughout our conversation, I will break down the simple yet effective grounding practices that can serve as tools to cultivate a sense of peace and calm whenever you need it.

I explore how anxiety manifests not only in racing thoughts but also in feelings of numbness or disconnection—an often overlooked aspect referred to as the dorsal vagal state. I discuss the myriad symptoms associated with this state, from cognitive challenges like difficulty concentrating and mental fog to emotional disconnection and physical sensations such as fatigue and shallow breathing. By understanding these symptoms, we can recognize the varied ways anxiety affects us and become equipped with strategies to counteract them.

Central to this discussion is how grounding practices activate our ventral vagal system, which is crucial for fostering feelings of safety and connection.

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Gina Ryan is the producer and host of the top 50 Mental Health shows on Apple Podcast -The Anxiety Coaches Podcast. Gina is a Nutritionist and coach who, in 1993, opened New Health Natural Products in NY and also struggled with stress, anxiety, and panic for over 20 years.

Before the internet, she was able to climb out of her fear and panic to peace, calm, and well-being by finding what did and did not work. She now teaches thousands of others how to do the same in a fraction of the time.

After moving to Maui in 2005, Gina spent 12 years as a nutritionist/consultant for the Intensive Outpatient Eating Disorder Center and, the only Residential ED Facility in Hawai'i. She shared her compassion, along with her knowledge and wisdom of the mind-body-spirit connection, helping clients clear their food-related anxiety, obsessions, and compulsions.

Gina is dedicated full-time to anxiety-clearing, coaching, writing, and teaching clients worldwide. She considers her work her calling and lives a mindful and compassionate life.


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