111- Purpose and Protection In Retirement Savings With Ron Surz
- 111- Purpose and Protection In Retirement Savings With Ron Surz Nassau Financial Group 35:48
As Baby Boomers approach retirement, they may face a critical challenge: how to protect their savings while ensuring long-term Growth in an unpredictable market. Traditional investment strategies, like target date funds, may not provide the safety net they need.
But there’s a solution. In this episode, we’re joined by President of Target Date Solutions, podcaster and author Ron Surz, who offers a fresh perspective on retirement Investing. He shares alternative strategies that prioritize Security, address market risks, and help retirees achieve financial peace of mind. Plus, he dives into the importance of having a purpose in retirement and how financial Education can make that vision a reality.
Links to Show Notes:
Baby Boomer Investing in the Perilous Decade of the 2020s: How to Live a Dignified