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Elevating Fiction: How Editing Takes Your Story to the Next Level with Editor Megan Turner

  1. Elevating Fiction: How Editing Takes Your Story to the Next Level with Editor Megan Turner Teri M Brown 35:28

My guest today on the Online for Authors podcast is Editor Megan Turner here to talk with me about the editing process. Megan is a graduate of the MFA Program for Poets and Writers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Her work has appeared in Witness, Atticus Review, Rio Grande Review, Fiction International, and others. She currently serves as a developmental editor at Atmosphere Press and as an instructor for UC Berkeley Extension. She lives and works in Portland, Maine.

Megan and I met almost three years ago through Atmosphere Press, and she was instrumental in helping me bring Sunflowers Beneath the Snow to publication. Since then, she has been my editor for An Enemy Like Me and Daughters of Green Mountain Gap. Each time, she has helped take my story to the next level.

You can follow editor and writer Megan Turner at her website: www.meganrturner.com or through Atmosphere Press: www.atmospherepress.com


Teri M Brown, Author and Podcast Host: https://www.terimbrown.com

FB: @TeriMBrownAuthor

IG: @terimbrown_author

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Teri M Brown Award-winning Author and Podcast Host

Born in Athens, Greece as an Air Force brat, Teri M Brown graduated from UNC Greensboro. She began her writing career helping small businesses with content creation and published five nonfiction self-help books dealing with real estate and finance, receiving multiple awards. In 2017, after winning the First Annual Anita Bloom Ornoff Award for Inspirational Short Story, she began writing fiction in earnest, and published her debut novel in 2022, Sunflowers Beneath the Snow, a historical fiction set in Ukraine, which has won twelve awards. Her second novel published in 2023, An Enemy Like Me, takes place during WWII, winning 27 awards. Her latest novel, Daughters of Green Mountain Gap, a generational story about Appalachian healers came out in January 2024 and has already won three awards. Teri is a wife, mother, grandmother,podcaster, and author who loves word games, reading, bumming on the beach, taking photos, singing in the shower, hunting for bargains, ballroom dancing, playing bridge, and mentoring others. Learn more at www.terimbrown.com.


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