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September 9th, 2024

Mary Tyszkiewicz | September 9 – 3 PM PST

My research shows the HI Cycle© is a natural process that small groups use in many different high-stakes crises to keep each other safe. Through low-stakes practice, more of us can be ready to navigate these situations more safely with less panic.

The HI Program©, based on my research, has been piloted with over 600 people in the U.S. and the Philippines, ranging in age from 10-80 years old. Evaluations show that participants feel more confident to respond to many types of emerging threats after the three-hour workshop.

The HI Program© is an answer to the very real problem of people wanting to help when tragedy strikes but not knowing how. The program utilizes fun, small-group improvisational exercises to train ordinary groups of people to respond quickly, calmly and confidently in high-stakes crises. The HI Program© offers a five-level series of workshops. For beginners, the Level a 3-hour face-to-face workshop facilitated by an improv actor and emergency response expert enables ordinary people to practice the spontaneous small-group abilities they will use to respond to high-stakes crises.

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KEVIN MCDONALD Host and Creator of Positive Talk Radio

Born and raised in Seattle Wa. This jovial fun loving man experienced life in a big way from star athlete, to actor, Voice Actor, Restaurateur, Sales and Sales Management, Transit Operator, Audio Producer, Talk Show Host, Creative Consultant, Motivational Leader and current podcast creator. (My Independence Report and Now ,Positive Talk Radio) Who’s mission is to Declare Our Freedom From Hate, Division and Fear, featuring positive motivational guests, music interviews and fun episodes. All designed to uplift your spirit and to create something that everyone can watch and listen to Which is Evolving Idea's one Listener at a Time, enjoy!


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