Ep. 104 – Overtraining and Lost Your Period? Allison Yamamoto Would Like A Word
- Ep. 104 - Overtraining and Lost Your Period? Allison Yamamoto Would Like A Word Sasha Graham 49:47
As former NCAA cheerleader at UC Berkeley turned distance runner, Allison Yamamoto struggled for years with a missing period and Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S). Her high-achieving nature and her efforts to stay disciplined led to avoiding rest days, strictly eating foods she labeled as healthy, and chronically overtraining while battling Stress.
In this episode, Allison shares her personal journey, the struggles she faced, and the inspiration behind creating Ally, a company dedicated to transforming the relationship people have with food, Exercise, and their bodies. She discusses the signs and consequences of overtraining and disordered eating, and how her program offers a path to recovery and health.
You can learn more about Allison’s Ally program by visiting TheAllyMethod.com, and by following her on Instagram @AllisonYamamoto.
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