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May 3rd, 2024

#1000 – Celebrating 1,000 Conversations.

  1. #1000 - Celebrating 1,000 Conversations. Lorraine Ball 1:56

If you had told me fifteen years ago, when I was running around recording conversations on my iphone that I would still be doing it a thousand episodes later, I would have told you you were crazy.

But here I am, celebrating 1,000 episodes. I have had an amazing ride meeting interesting people from all over the world. I have learned so much from them about marketing and marketing trends and I have enjoyed sharing that information with you, my audience.

So instead of asking for anniversary presents, I want to give you one.  I have a special thank you offer.  If you comment on post and tag me, anywhere on social media, share a screen grab of a review, or simply drop me a note, I’ll send you a code for unlimited, free access the toolbox.

That is a lifetime membership so you’ll have the ability to access all of the training programs, all the workbooks, all the content, forever.

So drop a review, send me a note or leave a comment and you’re in.

And, if you’re curious about any of the conversations you’ve missed  you’ll find them in the archive

Subscribe now, so you never miss another episode.  

Lorraine Ball Marketing Strategist

After spending too many years in Corporate America, Lorraine said goodbye to the bureaucracy, glass ceilings and bad coffee to follow her passion to help small business owners succeed

Today, this successful entrepreneur, author, professional speaker, and host of a weekly marketing podcast, More than a Few Words, brings creative ideas, practical tips, and decades of real-world experience to every conversation.

As the founder of the Digital Toolbox Community, she helps business owners use internet marketing to grow. And in her spare time, she loves to travel, and take photos. You can see her photos at

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