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May 3rd, 2024

Crafting an Eco-Friendly Business Landscape with Payal Shah

  1. Crafting an Eco-Friendly Business Landscape with Payal Shah 24:00

Embark with us as we navigate the transformative path of Payal Shah, whose leap from corporate titan to eco-entrepreneur echoes the call of the wild—a call towards sustainability that resonates with us all. Her remarkable transition from the fast-paced world of Warner Brothers to the green fields of Good4Earth unveils a tale of innovation, underscoring the ripple effect one person’s choices can have on the future of our planet. Payal Shah’s journey crisscrosses continents and industries, ultimately leading her to champion a B2B model that propels companies towards environmental responsibility. As we unravel her narrative, we uncover the threads that connect education, adaptation, and the power of listening to customer voices in crafting a business that not only thrives but also cares for the Earth.

Meanwhile, Payal Shah steps into the spotlight, guiding us through the intricate dance of sustainable living with the grace of an expert who’s seen the challenges from both the corporate and consumer sides. Through her lens, we confront the pressing concerns of single mothers striving to dress their children sustainably without breaking the bank, and businesses grappling to align their operations with the planet’s needs. Payal’s insights shed light on the innovative solutions flowering in this space, from clothing rental models to free e-learning resources on climate literacy. Her passion ignites a fire within us to seek knowledge, embrace awareness, and take informed steps towards a greener tomorrow. Together, our conversations with Payal Shah map a course of action, empowering you to contribute to a world where sustainability is not just a buzzword but a lived reality.

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Anika Jackson Creative Strategist, Podcaster

Anika is a mother, community volunteer, philanthropist, marketing and communications strategist and podcast host. As a marcom executive, she has done it all including experiential marketing/ event production, launch marketing, public relations, digital, and influencer throughout her multiple decade career.

She is a member of the Quickbooks Small Business Council, as well as on the Advisory Board for the Women in Leadership program for UCSB’s PaCE; advisor for Junior League of Los Angeles’ 2022 – 2023 President; Co-founder and board member of Learn Grow Lead; and Ballona Wetlands Philanthropy Chair for National Charity League’s Pier Chapter.

In Anika’s newest role, she is an adjunct professor at USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, teaching graduate students in both the Masters of Public Relations and Advertising as well as the Masters of Digital Media Management programs.

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