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Cheryl’s Colorful One Pot Pasta Toss

I really don’t love to cook. I used to, but I’m just kind of “over it” right now. But, I do like to eat, and don’t like to eat out or order take out, either. Not only is it outrageously expensive these days, but I want to be the one in charge of the ingredients that go into my meals. I’m a control freak, and wear it as a badge of honor.

Recently my husband was out of town for a few days and I had the luxury of either cooking or having a nice meal of cheese and crackers for dinner. Scrounging through my pantry, I was inspired by a bag of tortellini, punctuated by  the basil plant sitting on my window sill perched beside a bunch of fresh tomatoes I bought the day before. My creative juices started to flow and my brain went into overdrive.

Using those 3 simple ingredients along with some black olives in the back of the fridge and Parmesan cheese, I came up with a fast, easy, and delicious creation I dubbed my Colorful Pasta Toss. Because this dish is as pleasing to the eye as it is to the palate.

Keep in mind that the recipe is for a single serving since I was flying solo. You can double or triple the recipe as needed, and use your imagination to change the ingredients for some variety.


1 cup dried cheese and spinach tortellini

1/4 cup fresh chopped basil (Just the smell puts me over the moon)!

3-4 Campari tomatoes, coarsely chopped

4-6 Kalamata olives, sliced in halves

1 tablespoon either olive oil or avocado oil


Cook the tortellini according to directions, drain, and set aside. Put the basil, tomatoes, and olives, and oil in the same pot used to cook the tortellini, stir until tender, about 2 minutes, add tortellini, and stir to combine ingredients. Yes, it is that easy and it is delicious. Enjoy!


Originally Published on https://www.cherylilov.com/blog/

Cheryl Ilov is an author, speaker, dancer, martial artist, and physical therapist. She is also a former chronic pain patient who began a journey of self-discovery and self-healing after her medical team informed her that she would never recover. They were wrong.

Cheryl fired her medical team and found her own path to health and healing, as well as a journey of life-long learning. Her areas of expertise include the art of healing through movement, personal empowerment, and fitness over fifty. She is also the host of The FemiNinja Project podcast, which focuses on overcoming obstacles, personal empowerment, restoring human dignity, and alternative health and healing.

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