"The power of philosophy to heal society" – Nikos Patedakis
- "The power of philosophy to heal society" - Nikos Patedakis Terry McMullen 55:00
“Philosophy is actually the end of abstractions.”
Wow, what a statement to think about. How different our approach to life might become if we embrace that thought. How much more reflective and humble we might become.
This conversation with Nikos was full of interesting and insightful thoughts. We talked philosophy, biology, evolution, psychology, and spirituality– all with the same goal of trying to better understand what the hell we are doing here.
Not because it is interesting to think about, but because it is the realest, most practical question we can ask.
A more complete bio for Nikos below:
Following in the footsteps of Epicurus, Nikos Patedakis works with individuals, groups, and organizations, bringing to bear the most powerful and holistic teachings of the Wisdom traditions in relation to our most daunting personal and global challenges.
His training includes earning two master’s degrees and a PhD, as well as a graduating from a 3-year, full-time certification course in specialized educational theory and practice—along with countless hours of spiritual practice and years spent teaching inside and outside of the university system, as well as years spent working as a consulting philosopher and corporate trainer for Fortune 500 companies.