Saturday - June 29th, 2024
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Transitions can be fun

“Why did the middle-aged man switch to reading glasses? Because he wanted to see his future more clearly.”
“Why did the old man start knitting? He wanted to unravel the mysteries of aging.”
“What do you call an old man who’s lost his sense of direction? A senior moment navigator.”
“Why did the middle-aged man start eating more vegetables? He wanted to grow old healthily.”
“What do you call a group of middle-aged men discussing their Retirement plans? A pension party.”
“Why did the old man buy a rocking chair? He wanted to rock his way into the golden years.”
“Why did the middle-aged man start going to the gym? He wanted to keep his body from falling apart.”
“Why did the old man start taking up gardening? He wanted to keep his green thumb active in his golden years.”
“Why did the middle-aged man switch to drinking decaf coffee? He wanted to avoid the jitters that come with aging.”
“Why did the old man start taking up crossword puzzles? He wanted to keep his mind sharp as a tack in his twilight years.”

Originally Published on

I served as a teacher, a teacher on Call, a Department Head, a District Curriculum, Specialist, a Program Coordinator, and a Provincial Curriculum Coordinator over a forty year career. In addition, I was the Department Head for Curriculum and Instruction, as well as a professor both online and in person at the University of Phoenix (Canada) from 2000-2010.

I also worked with Special Needs students. I gave workshops on curriculum development and staff training before I fully retired

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