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Letting Go Of Mental Overload

Letting Go Of Mental Overload &Raquo; Post 1 1 Scaled

After a full day of being out in the world, experiences, words exchanged, and stories we have heard continue to play out in our heads. Even when you lay down to unwind and go to Sleep, in the quietness of the night, your mind continues to process all the input of the day.

Often, this can leave us feeling almost harassed. A feeling of unease can settle in consciously and unconsciously, making it difficult to sleep.

All too often, the activities we choose to help us relax only add to the business of our minds. Watching TV or a movie, reading a book, and talking to a friend or spouse involve taking in more information.

I’m not saying these activities are unsuitable, but this week I encourage you to choose an experience that gives you a break from mental stimulation.

Instead, how about choosing an activity such as taking a walk, doing some stretching exercises, meditating, or doing a deep breathing Exercise? Or my favorite decompressing practice is to sit out under the stars with a cup of turmeric and ginger tea looking up at the beautiful night sky.

Choose an activity that slows your mental activity down and allows the mind to relax and release the unnecessary clutter of the day.

Setting aside time to clear the mind once a day creates a ritual that becomes second nature and helps us release the clutter of the day and relax into a good night’s sleep.

Such a habit also makes us increasingly more open to perceiving the world with freshness and newness as we awake the following day.

What do you do to decompress for the night? Leave in the comments below!

The post Letting Go Of Mental Overload appeared first on Awaken With Light.

Originally Published on

Nancy Gentle Boudrie Mindset and Mindfulness Expert- Life, Business and Executive Coach

For 35 years, Nancy has helped Business Owners and Corporations peak perform and create exponential success. Whether setting up safety programs in the transportation industry or creating multi-million-dollar independent insurance agencies, one of which was her own, Nancy has been assisting business professionals and organizations in creating seven-figure success. Most recently, for the last 15 plus years, Nancy found her true passion and purpose in coaching company leaders and employees to manage high levels of stress and navigate the unprecedented challenges facing today’s organizations.

She uniquely blends her entrepreneurial business knowledge with her training in mindset skills such as Mindful Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Naropa University’s Mindful Leadership Training. Nancy teaches business professionals to be creative, innovative, and resilient during challenges to create a life of design, not one of default. Furthermore, she assists organizations in increasing morale, profitability and reducing workman’s comp claims and absenteeism by implementing programs that support employee engagement by improving mental and emotional mindset.

Nancy’s passion for sharing her message, special talents, and unique gifts have also included hosting two successful Radio/Podcast shows as well as the releasement of a guided meditation CD, sold on ITunes, called Awaken With Light ~Welcome Inner Balance. Furthermore, she is considered a gifted expert in various energy modalities such as Usui Reiki as a Master/Teacher and Integrative Energy Therapy.

Nancy loves giving back to her community and church. She is a volunteer for Penn Medicine, Neighborhood Health as a reiki practitioner and grief counselor. She is also proud to serve as a reiki practitioner and mindset coach to women battling breast cancer through a nonprofit organization called Unite for Her.


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