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Alive And Well, And Writing &Raquo; May Newsletter

Alive and Well, and Writing

 I haven’t posted a blog in about three months. That’s a long time in cyberspace. It was my plan at the start to have a minimum of one post per week and usually exceeded that number.  But sometimes life gets in the way of intentions. It’s not like I’ve been in a vegetative state, even […]

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An Author’s Life and Receiving Reviews

Nothing puts an author’s teeth on edge quite like waiting for the editorial reviews to start coming in when their book is finally published. These are reviews by unbiased readers giving their honest opinion of the author’s work. I think it’s only fair to share all of my reviews, not just the good ones. So, […]

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Looking Back &Raquo; Time

Looking Back

 This year wasn’t the most productive for me.  I reached a few of my personal goals. I don’t know if it’s age or what. Perhaps I don’t have the stamina and motivation. I don’t know if that’s attributable to growing older or simply limited interest in doing things. Only time will tell. On the writing […]

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A Post About Nothing &Raquo; Thinking

A Post about Nothing

 It’s been six weeks since I posted anything on this blog site. For those who are subscribers, I apologize. For others, I will return at some point in time. Bear with me.  The point I want to make today is that I’m not going to post something for the sake of posting something. If I […]

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Back To The Keyboard &Raquo; Feather Pen

Back to the Keyboard

 It’s been a while since I’ve written anything here; on Feb. 11 to be exact when I posted about a few love songs for Valentine’s Day. For those who are concerned or curious, I have been writing. Just not here.  I’m a contributor on Medium, where I’ve had about five posts in recent weeks. I […]

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So Long 2021 &Raquo; Avvxsejy5Guhnduffnjt0Rsn8Zlzfmt00W3Vxmrsoiap3959Dkgkxe60Xmmunsib9Okqcd Llcctmzajtv21Wmgsoszmod4Xkayxcwewidf1Fohgzmsmwi0Wyunhbfqkg Du0Rr9 Ibxlxh4U01Tw1N1Ceejl2Ul Gmogkpjfuckxg3Kfcedjefc2Gpcoiezw208 H2

So Long 2021

At my age, I’m not one who wishes my life away, but I must admit that I’m glad  2021 is behind me. It wasn’t a particularly bad eight months of the year for me as a writer because I had two novels published — Make Room for Family on February 1 and Reunion of Familiar Strangers on […]

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Spreading The Word About Blurbs &Raquo; Blurb

Spreading the Word About Blurbs

Are blurbs more effective in brick-and-mortar stores where prospective readers could pick up the book off a shelf and read the blurbs on the back cover or on one of the inside front pages? Or are they stronger on websites with catchy phrases to lure in potential readers?   In other words, do they help readers […]

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9 Ways To Prepare For Gut-Wrenching Coronavirus Losses &Raquo; Dsc3090 Stan Goldberg By Tim Marsolais

9 Ways to Prepare for Gut-Wrenching Coronavirus Losses

Officials from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) assert–with absolute certainty–that I and millions of others will experience soul-crushing losses within the next few weeks because of the coronavirus. Those of us who survive must wrestle with how to prepare for the empty spaces the disease will create in our lives. Anger will do little […]

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7 Easy Steps To Memoir Writing &Raquo; 7Easysteps

7 Easy Steps to Memoir Writing

7 Easy Steps to Memoir Writing Author: Mary Anne Benedetto Website: Reviewed By: Anne Holmes for the NABBW If you have a desire to write your life story but don’t know where to begin, this book provides you with all the guidance you will need. Mary Anne Benedetto knows each of us has at […]

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Fearless Confessions – A Writer’s Guide To Memoir &Raquo; 152 Bbook Photo

Fearless Confessions – A Writer’s Guide to Memoir

Author: Sue William Reviewed By: Georgia Richardson In Fearless Confessions, a Writer’s Guide to Memoir, author Sue William Silverman offers the reader a clearly marked path into the world of memoir writing. Chapter by chapter the author breaks down the preconceived notion that writing one’s memoir is too complex, difficult, and in some cases, […]

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