Sunday - September 29th, 2024
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Because You Need To Know &Raquo; Img 5019

Because You Need To Know

Consumer Notice has produced A Consumer’s Guide to Reducing Pollution, a comprehensive, yet easy-to-follow handbook for reducing consumer waste. According to Consumer Notice, We The People account for 60% of greenhouse gas emissions, an enormous and pretty frightening number, but one we can probably make a dent in if we all try a little bit […]

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The Sales Tactic Your Boss Hates &Raquo; Mypicrev

The Sales Tactic Your Boss Hates

I am not normally prone to BS headlines like I used for this post, but I wear my emotions on my sleeve and speak pretty plainly. One of the things I knew I would focus on when I retired was to evangelize about sales careers. The difference is that I was always going to focus […]

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Oh No, It’s Raining Again &Raquo; Screen Shot 2024 04 02 At 2.35.06 Pm

Oh No, It’s Raining Again

In approximately 1811-1812, Philadelphia laid its first collection system pipes and they were made of wood! As the City grew, the Philadelphia Water Department must have realized that wood wasn’t going to cut it, i.e., it wouldn’t be too long-lasting, and so it began the installation of cast iron pipes. Two centuries later, it’s unclear […]

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Should You Make A Contribution In Traditional Or Roth Ira? &Raquo; Jeremy Reif1

Should You Make A Contribution In Traditional or Roth IRA?

  Which One Should I Make My Next Contribution Into? Roth Ira Or Traditional? Choosing Between Traditional and Roth IRA Contributions: Which is Right for You? By, Jeremy Reif, CRPS Traditional vs. Roth has been debated since the Roth IRA arrived in 1998.  This is almost like the age-old question, what came first, the chicken […]

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The Journey To Freedom &Raquo; 2318

The Journey to Freedom

After years of feeling numb and trapped in the aftermath of loss, I had a profound realization It’s been over a decade since my oldest son Stefan, passed away, yet the pain at times still feels fresh, raw, and all-consuming. I’ve spent countless nights tossing and turning, trying to escape the suffocating grip of grief. […]

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“Where To?” She Asks Herself. &Raquo; Screen Shot 2024 03 19 At 2.15.03 Pm

“Where to?” she asks herself.

For years, I’ve wanted to know the answer to this question. What would I do with all my free time once I no longer had deadlines and commitments? Would I go “totally ’round the bend” as my Australian friend, Bernice, used to say. Would I diligently take up one of the many causes I am […]

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The Fight? &Raquo; Vector Peace Symbol With Flower

The Fight?

WARRIOR A Warrior, she’s often been, obsessed with other lands. In tending to her freedom, so content to raise her hand. Yet even in the midst of war, surrounded by alone she knew t’was might that brought her here, and sliced her to the bone. This Warrior has sheathed her sword. Its glint may dull, […]

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Caught In The Whirlwind Of Self-Criticism? &Raquo; 2318

Caught in the whirlwind of self-criticism?

Have you ever found yourself caught in the relentless grip of self-criticism? You know, that nagging voice in your head that constantly shouts words of doubt and discouragement? Yeah, we’ve all been there. But guess what? It’s time to rewrite that script and reclaim your inner peace. How? By embracing the transformative power of self-compassion. […]

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Drive &Raquo; Pauladtozer


Are you a person who enjoys the challenge of competition, but also likes to fit in? Admitting that a challenge energizes you but attempting to fit in with a group establishes a dichotomy that creates a conflict within. You cannot fit in and stand out. The first step is admitting that you have a strong […]

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Little Havana’s Seafood Extravaganza: Beyond Oysters At A Hidden Gem &Raquo; Little Havana 2

Little Havana’s Seafood Extravaganza: Beyond Oysters at a Hidden Gem

Little Havana in Miami, Florida is a vibrant neighborhood celebrated for its rich Cuban heritage, traditions, and cuisine. Little Havana offers a variety of fish beyond just oysters. Just as you mentioned, there’s a spot in Little Havana that offers delicious and fresh seafood options such as lobster, crab, shrimp, and fish. This establishment, known […]

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