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Embracing Nature’s Wisdom: A Journey To Holistic Wellness &Raquo; Image 12

Embracing Nature’s Wisdom: A Journey to Holistic Wellness

Photo by Freepik For millennia, nature has served as a source of healing and restoration, offering remedies and tranquil sanctuaries. In today’s fast-paced world, there is a growing movement to reconnect with ancient practices, intertwining the wisdom of the past with modern wellness approaches. This article by Rebecca Welch, blogger for the website Find The […]

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It’s Heavier Than You Think! &Raquo; 2318

It’s Heavier than You think!

People think grief just drifts away – like blowing dandelion seeds into the wind and watching them drift away. Loss is a topic that often gets brushed aside or misunderstood, but its impact is profound and undeniable. When you’ve experienced the loss of a loved one, you know firsthand the weight of grief. It’s not […]

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Workforce Retraining And Sales Careers &Raquo; Mypicrev

Workforce Retraining and Sales Careers

I saw a question posed, “What is a healthy unemployment rate?” The answer was between 3 and 5%. Today (July 9. 2024) it stands at 4.1%, which is allegedly healthy, but tell that to the 6 million adults who can’t find a job.  You might have also heard about all the jobs that go unfilled, […]

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Citizens Unite &Raquo; Img 0103

Citizens Unite

America is not just a country, it is an idea. And that idea belongs to everybody who wishes to serve it. ~Bono This post was written by my sister, Stacey Lazos. My husband had his oath ceremony last week. It was the culmination of 8 years of moving toward the idea of America and on […]

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Embracing Your True Self &Raquo; 2318

Embracing Your True Self

Can you imagine a world where you can navigate your grief without fear of judgment? Think about it for a moment. How would it feel without the weight of others’ opinions? It may sound like a dream, but it’s entirely possible. Embracing our authentic selves in grief isn’t about “getting over it; it’s about being […]

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New Scotus Photo To Go With All Those Nifty Rulings! &Raquo; Screen Shot 2024 07 03 At 1.43.24 Pm

New SCOTUS Photo To Go With All Those Nifty Rulings!

You know how they say absolute power corrupts absolutely? The fallout is on full display here in the U.S. After approximately 250 years of the grand experiment we call democracy, the wheels are about to fall off the bus. The basic tenet of our democratic nation — that no man is above the law — […]

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Podcast Appearances &Raquo; Mypicrev

Podcast Appearances

I have been fortunate to be a guest on numerous podcasts evangelizing about sales careers and careers in general. I also often get to speak about my other project on homeless initiatives. This post hosts the links to each of those podcast recordings. I know I make an amazing guest and offer life altering advice, […]

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It’s Not You – It’s Me &Raquo; Mypicrev

It’s Not You – It’s Me

It’s always been about me! As I have spent that past year-and-a-half evangelizing about sales careers, I get to share my motto, I didn’t selling anything, I figured shit out. Sometimes, depending on the audience, I would have to clean it and substitute “stuff” for “shit” but everyone got the idea. I would go on […]

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Let Freedom Ring &Raquo; Let Freedom Ring Deborah Johnson 150X150 1

Let Freedom Ring

Saying, “Let freedom ring” can sound trite with many different interpretations, depending on the listener and the agenda of the listener. Our freedoms in this country are extremely valuable and that value increases when you realize freedom is no longer there. John Adams, one of the signers on our Declaration of Independence in 1776, wrote […]

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&Raquo; Mypicrev

I have always been a proponent of never applying online, talking to a recruiter or HR. All those routes are just ways to weed people out, in essence all they can say is, “No.” Applying online (AI bots), Recruiters, Hiring Managers, etc. don’t know anything about how sales works, why would you leave your future […]

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