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Posts Tagged With ‘ Michael D. Levitt ’

How to Reignite Employee Engagement in Meetings
August 8th, 2023
How To Reignite Employee Engagement In Meetings &Raquo; Image Asset 7

@wocintechchat Let’s face it: each of us has been in at least one meeting in which, despite our best efforts to pay attention, our attention wandered. Your thoughts could go to that amazing lunch you had earlier or the fun activities you have planned for the weekend with your loved ones. And, hey, we’ve all been guilty of stealing a glance at our phones every once in a while. But when it becomes a recurring problem in the meetings of your team, it is important to dig further into the factors that are contributing to this disconnection and discover solutions. Why... Continue Reading

How to Provide Quality Cybersecurity Training
August 8th, 2023
How To Provide Quality Cybersecurity Training &Raquo; Precisionexecutionllc 248095 Quality Cybersecurity Training Image1

In today’s technologically advanced world, ensuring your workforce is prepared to handle cybersecurity threats is crucial for the success and safety of any business. One of the key cybersecurity best practices to secure your business is knowing how to provide quality cybersecurity training to your employees. Read on to learn three strategies your business can use to achieve effective cybersecurity training, thus ensuring the safety of your company’s valuable digital assets. Develop a Comprehensive Training Plan Developing a detailed plan that encompasses all aspects... Continue Reading

Common Business Mistakes You Should Avoid
August 8th, 2023
Common Business Mistakes You Should Avoid &Raquo; Gyyzzio0Eq6Zojcry0Itq66Jlixchasq1689967784

If you want your business to succeed, there are an endless number of variables you must take into account. Then, when you think you have everything under control, something else you’ve never considered before throws a wrench into your operations. Business is unpredictable, but success is possible when you know which common business mistakes you should avoid. Not Keeping Up With Technology Depending on your age and experience with technology, you could see technology as more of a hurdle than a help. Regardless of your personal preference, you need to embrace new technology... Continue Reading

Enhancing Security through Collaboration: A Guide for Developers and Security Teams
August 7th, 2023
Enhancing Security Through Collaboration: A Guide For Developers And Security Teams &Raquo; Screenshot2023 08 066.12.20Pm

Image source: Pexels Organizations are facing numerous security challenges in today’s fast-paced digital landscape. Cyber threats continue to evolve, and vulnerabilities in software applications pose a significant risk.  Unfortunately, security considerations often take a back seat in the software development processes. This is because developers focus primarily on delivering functional and user-friendly applications, leaving security concerns dedicated only to the security teams. Yet, this siloed approach can lead to potential breaches and compromised systems. That’s... Continue Reading

The Power of Influence: Becoming a Leader Without Being Bossy
August 5th, 2023
The Power Of Influence: Becoming A Leader Without Being Bossy &Raquo; Image Asset 5

@kellysikkema A group’s leadership is often what makes it great. But what makes the difference between a good leader and a bossy one? Leadership isn’t just about giving jobs to other people. It’s also about inspiring, motivating, and making sure everyone feels valued and heard. It’s not an easy job, but it’s a good one. So, how do you effectively handle people without being too bossy or controlling? Let’s figure out what it takes to manage people well. Encourage a respectful environment for everyone Think of a boss you really liked and admired.... Continue Reading

Numbers Don’t Lie: Quantifying the Impact of Employee Attrition on Productivity
August 5th, 2023
Numbers Don'T Lie: Quantifying The Impact Of Employee Attrition On Productivity &Raquo; Image Asset 6

@jannerboy62 Have you ever given a moment’s thought to what may happen if a pebble were to be dropped into a still pond? The calm surface of the water is disturbed, which leads to ripples propagating outward in all directions. The same connection may be made with the turnover rate of employees inside an organization. When a team member leaves, the ripple effect can be felt throughout the business, affecting not only the levels of production but also the very fabric of the company’s culture. The Shock in the Short-Term In the short term, an instant drop in productivity... Continue Reading

Workplace Empowerment: How to Say No and Why It Matters
August 4th, 2023
Workplace Empowerment: How To Say No And Why It Matters &Raquo; Image Asset 4

@jontyson The professional world frequently feels like running on a treadmill; it moves quickly and never stops. You have a limited capacity as a human being, even though the need for output is unrelenting. How do you manage to keep your equilibrium? How can you ensure that your well-being is protected without jeopardizing your standing in the professional community? The answer may shock you: Learn to say no. But before we do that, shall we untangle that? The Craft of Falling Behind Contrary to what you might imagine, the capacity to say no to a request or task at work does... Continue Reading

Ways To Increase Efficiency in Your Production Facility
August 3rd, 2023
Ways To Increase Efficiency In Your Production Facility &Raquo; Nbalwrcxeflexgqzbmktsgvtg9Z0P5Oa1690903515

As a production manager, one of your top priorities is finding ways to increase efficiency in your production facility. Optimizing your operations and streamlining processes can lead to significant cost savings, increased productivity, and a more competitive edge in the market. Discover some practical tips and strategies aimed at doing just that. Analyze and Optimize Your Workflow When looking for ways to boost efficiency, it’s essential to thoroughly examine your current workflow. Analyze each step of the process, from order taking to product shipments. From there, you can... Continue Reading

The Scoop on Making Your Company More Inclusive: A Friendly Guide
August 3rd, 2023
The Scoop On Making Your Company More Inclusive: A Friendly Guide &Raquo; Screenshot2023 08 036.41.41Am

Via Pixabay So, you’ve somehow landed on this page—could you be a trailblazer looking to inject a massive dose of inclusivity into your company? You’re in the right place, my friend! See, inclusivity isn’t just another boardroom buzzword. It’s a lifestyle and philosophy with the magical power to skyrocket productivity, light the creative spark, and make everyone feel like they matter. You’re about to dip your toes into this fantastic inclusivity thing. So, grab that cappuccino, fluff up your favorite armchair pillow, and set this inclusivity... Continue Reading

How to Balance Your Side Hustle and Avoid Burnout
August 2nd, 2023
How To Balance Your Side Hustle And Avoid Burnout &Raquo; Image Asset 2

@marcobian In the society we live in today, with its frenetic pace and challenging economic conditions, having a full-time job while also working on the side has become an increasingly common choice for a way of life. It’s a well-known reality that many people use their spare time to pursue passion projects that serve as crucial money streams. But how frequently do we pause to think about the gravity of the situation and the toll that it may take on our mental health if we continue to perform our dual responsibilities? Let’s take a deep dive into the topic of understanding... Continue Reading