Saturday - September 14th, 2024
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My Musical Calendar &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

My Musical Calendar

I have a theory that, for some people, the calendar just stops. It stops at different times for different people. But it definitely stops. All of their cultural influences — sartorial, tonsorial, musical, et al. — freeze. I don’t know if those freezes could be considered time warps. It’s more likely they reflect periods of […]

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A Silly People &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

A Silly People

On The Scale of Self-Deceit and Frivolity Unto Extinction, there are points well beyond first-world problems. They indicate the extent to which life in the United States is luxurious enough that we can afford to make shit up to worry about. They also confirm the point made by Bill Maher that Americans are a silly […]

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Digital Marketing &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

Digital Marketing

I had occasion to speak with a prospect on a Zoom call the other day. She was looking for help in establishing her brand and marketing her online workshops and published materials. She insisted those things could be accomplished only by a digital marketing agency. I suggested digital marketing (or online marketing) simply means promoting […]

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Six Strings &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

Six Strings

Author’s Note: This story was prompted by my wife, Anne, with whom I shared the story I’m about to share with you. When I told her the story, she said, “Six strings. You should write about that.” And people wonder why I love her as I do. The woman is like the tide she comes […]

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Winter Wonders: Part Two &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

Winter Wonders: Part Two

Last week I wrote about the lethal peril to which we find ourselves subject as the result of anthropogenic climate change and two of its perniciously wayward children, bomb cyclones and weather whiplash. Well, just when you thought it was safe … Last week, the Washington Post ran a story — “This weather phenomenon on […]

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Dreaming Wide Awake &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

Dreaming Wide Awake

Ya know what I was thinking about today? Nothing. I put in a full day of work, but I gave my mind the day off. That’s right. I was on something like cerebral autopilot. I had things to do, but they were routine enough and I knew them well enough that they didn’t require creative […]

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My Name Is Michael &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

My Name is Michael

Those of you who’ve been to the dance with me likely know of my baby brother, Woody. I’m his legal Guardian and Conservator. The day before Thanksgiving, he wasn’t feeling well. One of the staff members from his group home took him to the emergency room (ER). His blood pressure was 66/45. He was kept […]

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Time And Nothingness &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

Time and Nothingness

During my time as a student at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut — from which I earned a B.A. in English Literature with a minor in Philosophy — I had a teacher, Professor Langston, who’d earned his Ph.D. in Intellectual History. He was, therefore, justifiably enamored of the work of existentialist deconstrutionists and post-modernists such […]

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The Cult Of Personality &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

The Cult of Personality

Author’s Note: It’s entirely possible I watch too much C-SPAN. I don’t know. But I do know it gets increasingly difficult for me to understand what’s going on in the formerly United States, how we got here, and why we put up with it. Part of it, of course, results from the polarization to which […]

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Heart &Amp; Soul Of A Singer &Raquo; Success Interviews Step Into Their Shoes Eileen

Heart & Soul of a Singer

An artist is someone who has a special and unique connection to the inner self bringing to the world a deep emotional releasing that can be felt at the core. Madison Tayor powerfully expresses feelings and the relationship between the human experience and the unspoken parts through her lyrics and songs. She grew up with […]

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