Sunday - September 8th, 2024
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Blackberry Festival Family Date Night &Raquo; Young Girl Picking Blackberries At Blackberry Patch 2

Blackberry Festival Family Date Night

Are you trying to squeeze the last bit of family fun into the remaining days of summer?  Why not plan a family date night?  Our family headed out to Wild Blackberry Farms for the inaugural Blackberry Festival.   While it can be difficult (but oh so worth it!) to find a night that works in everyone’s […]

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What’s The Best Way To Die? It Depends &Raquo; Lwaldman Photo.jpg 234

What’s the Best Way to Die? It Depends

By Larry F. Waldman, Ph.D., ABPP Clinical, Forensic Psychologist As you approach the age of our nation’s life expectancy, it’s natural to begin to consider end of life issues. How you might “pass,” is one of those considerations. My Zeide, as we called him, my paternal grandfather, was a strong, active man till the day […]

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Telehealth Marketing: Local To Global &Raquo; Lwaldman Photo.jpg 234

Telehealth Marketing: Local to Global

The pandemic has changed the way psychotherapy is currently provided. My local listserve is burning up with colleagues talking about the problems, ethical factors, insurance questions, the extra energy required, and more, regarding telehealth. In business it is said that in a crisis many people suffer but some people become wealthy. For example, delivery companies […]

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Five Sure Ways To Raise A Responsible Child &Raquo; Lwaldman Photo.jpg 234

Five Sure Ways to Raise a Responsible Child

As an experienced clinical child psychologist, I believe the ultimate goal of any parent is to rear an independent and responsible child. While at first glance this may appear obvious, if we observe most parents in action on a day-to-day basis, it becomes evident that many parents have no idea how to achieve this objective. […]

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Seven Reasons Why We Fail To Achieve Our Life Goals &Raquo; Lwaldman Photo.jpg 234

Seven Reasons Why We Fail To Achieve Our Life Goals

Despite our dreams many of us fail to achieve our life ambitions.  Many of my clients talk about starting a business, becoming financially independent, writing a novel, traveling, furthering their education, getting physically fit, or becoming a nurse, teacher, or lawyer. Most of the time their objectives go unfulfilled.  Oliver Wendell Holmes said: “Most people […]

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Making Your Parent-Teacher Conference More Effective &Raquo; Lwaldman Photo.jpg 234

Making Your Parent-Teacher Conference More Effective

The parent-teacher conference can be an efficient tool to communicate with your child’s teacher.  Below are a few tips on how to make that meeting more productive: 1)  Show up:  My wife, now retired from teaching fourth grade for 28 years, often said that the parents with whom she most needed to talk rarely scheduled […]

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