Here is a posting from a friend and fellow blogger of mine, MoneyMonk. Check out her blog, she’s working always on increasing her cash flow and MoneyMonk’s advice I have found to be sensible as well as down-to-earth. The other day I was wandering through her postings and happened to find this one regarding Suze […]
Okay, now that I have your attention. Please disregard this title. I found an article in a highly circulated newspaper (I will NOT say which one) that sported this sort of a title and I immediately read the article to find out what financial nincompoop (I’m sorry, I can’t be kind on this one) would […]
Hey, everyone! Today we have a guest blogger! Woo-hoo. Many of you have been asking me about Tweeting, Twitter, The twitter-verse, etc. So, I thought I would have a buddy of mine write up a guide for all of you that may be a bit perplexed by all these Tweets that folks are talking about […]
Failure after long perseverance is much grander than never to have had a striving good enough to be called a failure. -George Eliot Dealing with the emotion of Fear is a BIG issue in life, and nowhere more so than in money matters. Many of my students over the years have known that this one […]
Hi Janine, Can I bother you for a question about car insurance? We are just raised the liability insurance on our cars to $100,000 per person and $300,000 per accident. Since we have two teen drivers and about $130,000 of equity in our house, we wonder if you would recommed an umbrella policy. Although an […]
Today’s post is an excerpt from the book, Curing Your Cash Crisis. To get a full view of the chapter’s contents follow the link at the bottom of this post. Here is a bit of a preview for you! —— I think it would be good for me to start this chapter by defining what […]
Guilt Guilt is the emotion that pops up in my workshops first and foremost. Guilt has no real function but to inflict pain on the person who feels it. In short, Guilt about past money mistakes causes folks the most distress. Over the years I have noticed a pattern with participants as they first walk […]
The War (Chapter One of the new book) has begun! As of two days ago, I posted the first chapter along with the Introduction for folks to comment on. Here is your chance to ask any money question and have it answered! [as long as you don’t ask me how to invest your savings! (I’m aware […]
Here we are on the final step to Abundance. I’ve done my best to give you the Reader’s-Digest-Condensed-version of the systems used by wealthy people to bring their finances under their control rather than bbeing controlled by them. Here is kind of a quick list that I use in my seminars and workshops to help […]
Okay, folks, we’re about done with this “Path to Abundance Program.” Step 8 demonstrated the three areas where money is submitted to keep the cycle of cash flowing into your life rather than away from you. How do you utilize this knowledge to bring cash into your world? There is a simple system that will […]