The Guru of Healthy Aging
- The Guru of Healthy Aging Nicole Christina 37:35
Over the past 40 years, Dr. Ken Dychtwald has emerged as a foremost visionary and original thinker regarding the Lifestyle, marketing, health care, economic and workforce implications of the age wave. Ken is a psychologist, gerontologist, and best-selling author of 19 books on aging-related issues. He also released a memoir in April 2021.
During his career, Ken has addressed more than two million people worldwide in his speeches to corporate, association, social service, and government groups. His strikingly accurate predictions and innovative ideas are regularly featured in leading print and electronic media worldwide and have garnered nearly fifteen billion media impressions. He has garnered many awards, including a testimony from President Jimmy Carter: “I have been learning from Ken Dychtwald for years and am convinced that he is today’s most innovative and original thinker on the important subjects of aging and longevity”. Find out more at
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