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May 22nd, 2024

The Art of Self Acceptance with Life Coach Ruhina Mehra

  1. The Art of Self Acceptance with Life Coach Ruhina Mehra 26:56

When Ruhina Mehra, a holistic coach with traditional healthcare roots, steps into the room, you feel an instant connection to her compelling narrative. She’s the guide through our latest conversation, where we peel back the layers of the healthcare system, contrasting the focused approach of Western medicine with the integrative nature of holistic care. We tackle the cultural currents that tug at professional choices, particularly within immigrant families, and why preventative care is becoming the heartbeat of a humane healthcare system.

As we peel back the layers of personal development, Ruhina shares her insights on mental health Coaching and the transformative power of the Wheel of Life assessment. Her journey from a desire to help others to public speaking and Coaching unfolds like a map for those seeking self-realization. We reflect on the critical nature of personal growth in tackling internal battles and the techniques that can catalyze change across the board – from mending relationships to ascending professional ladders.

Closing our discussion, authenticity takes center stage. I share a client’s breakthrough in personal growth and the intricate dance between authenticity, family dynamics, and self-worth. We leave you with Ruhina’s wisdom on navigating life’s changes, the art of self-acceptance, and the overlooked value of non-romantic relationships for our holistic well-being. Be inspired to embrace your journey as Ruhina leads by example, weaving her wellness magic in the energetic backdrop of Los Angeles.

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Anika Jackson Creative Strategist, Podcaster

Anika is a mother, community volunteer, philanthropist, marketing and communications strategist and podcast host. As a marcom executive, she has done it all including experiential marketing/ event production, launch marketing, public relations, digital, and influencer throughout her multiple decade career.

She is a member of the Quickbooks Small Business Council, as well as on the Advisory Board for the Women in Leadership program for UCSB’s PaCE; advisor for Junior League of Los Angeles’ 2022 – 2023 President; Co-founder and board member of Learn Grow Lead; and Ballona Wetlands Philanthropy Chair for National Charity League’s Pier Chapter.

In Anika’s newest role, she is an adjunct professor at USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, teaching graduate students in both the Masters of Public Relations and Advertising as well as the Masters of Digital Media Management programs.

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