Wendy Cole, age 76, was 67 when she decided to live out in the world as the female
she was born to be. As a young person, Wendy was informed by ‘authorities’ that she
was a male with a psychological condition that was untreatable and uncurable; she was “a freak.” Wendy tells her story of living 45 years of repression while hiding her secret from the outside world. On the brink of suicide in 2014, Wendy learned her diagnosis had changed back in 2012. It is now treatable by Therapy, hormones, and surgeries. And people are born transgender: “Gender is between the ears, not the legs.” In 2015, Wendy transitioned and began living fully as her authentic self. Currently, she is a transition mentor who guides individuals through significant life changes. She shares her story to “open minds and possibilities…to show others the beauty and possibilities of living authentically…It is never too late!”
“I was born female but assigned male based on my physical anatomy; now, I live freely and fully as a woman.” – Wendy Cole
Connect with Wendy: She invites you to ask her anything!
Connection website: https://MeetWendyCole.com
Email: wendycole212@gmail.com
Website: https://wendycolegtm.net
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wcole212/@wcole212
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wendycolegtm
YouTube Channel:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wendy-cole-gtm
Private Facebook group, Demystifying the Transgender Journey,
Open to anyone curious to learn more about being born transgender and living
with it from childhood.