Two Generations of Homeschooling with Deborah and Jessica Johnson
- Two Generations of Homeschooling with Deborah and Jessica Johnson Deborah Johnson 30:38
How do you feel about homeschooling? There is much debate as to if it’s good for kids regarding both their school Education and their social activity. This is a delightful interview with my daughter-in law, Jessica Johnson, who chose to homeschool her daughters, especially for the early grades. I also homeschooled our three sons for three years when they were young and feel they were very well-adjusted as a result.
We will look at some of the joys as well as some of the challenges in homeschooling. Also, at some of the resources Jessica has found in today’s educational climate and some of her reasons for choosing this path. I will share what worked well in our situation some years ago, which is still applicable today. Whether you are listening as a parent with children still of school-age or as a grandparent, this show will pull back the curtain on some of the different aspects and realities of homeschooling, which is actually growing in popularity! Our free download for this episode is